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  1. 2Tokes

    Help a noob?

    My bad my bad D: I'm sorry, I'm a girl so I always get sparked up. I never have to do anything like rolling or even grinding, I just watch and smoke it when it's ready. You don't have to answer this next question if you don't want to but uhm, the I get rid of them when I grind it?
  2. 2Tokes

    Help a noob?

    I do not know what you mean by dense and wtf poorly trimmed? Holy shit, my world is spinning xD all I want is to get high! Thanks a lot though :D you've helped me a lot. But yea, does this look like at least 3.5 grams? Cause if not I'm gunna need a new dealer.
  3. 2Tokes

    Help a noob?

    I never bought weed until now because I always got sparked by my friends. So today I bought 3.5 grams and I'm kinda iffy on it, can anyone help me double check this? (that's a quarter)