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  1. darth fucko

    lighting my cabinet ??

    I have a cabinet 4’wide 6’high that I want to grow in. I am thinking of dividing the cabinet into two shelves 3’ high and lining the top and back of the cabinet with 3’ florescent tubes. What size tubes should I use T-8, T-12? Or something else? Would it be cheaper to by the brackets...
  2. darth fucko

    lighting my cabinet

    I have a cabinet 4’wide 6’high that I want to grow in. I am thinking of dividing the cabinet into two shelves 3’ high and lining the top and back of the cabinet with 3’ florescent tubes. What size tubes should I use T-8, T-12? Or something else? Would it be cheaper to by the brackets...
  3. darth fucko

    vertical florescents? lighting from the side

    I am thinking of building a grow box using florescent tubes. Will mounting additional florescent tubes vertically on the walls of the box harm or benefit my plants?