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  1. 3

    is this setup ok?

    sorry havent been on in a while, tell me if your crop grows well I'll invest in it
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    is this setup ok?

    and the best time is in summer
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    is this setup ok?

    u can try but it might explode and u would hae wated ur money on expensive lights , and ganja plants dont bud in summer they bud in winter so your are probably gunna be growing all year unless u waanna buy a fan and shorten the hours of light to abount 14-16 a day 20 for summer
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    New game

    stay safe says he safe but i heard he doesnt like using condoms
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    THE pot game

    george bush
  6. 3

    my first grow... some quick questions

    i have a few 4 u do u have more than one aerogarden im lookin to buy one maybe u should try building ur own hydroponics system cuz u can make it big aerogardens are kinda small and im not sure about ur question srry
  7. 3

    is this setup ok?

    and u live in the same state as me there is pleny of sunlight its too bad u started growing in winter
  8. 3

    is this setup ok?

    get rid of tht aluminum foil crap is creases too much use the foil in chip bags
  9. 3

    Lucky Stoner Stories Anyone ?

    well i have a realy funny one i ended up getting caught but its funny i wuz at home bought 22.5 grams for super cheap so i wanted to get fuked up without worrying about cash i light up a bowl and did about 2-3 before i got the idea to hotbox with a plastic bag over my head and it wuz awsome...
  10. 3

    Most Trippy Experiences

    uhh one time i had my first 2.5 gram os headband and i first thought my head fell off and i wuz cared and by myself so i ran around and i live in a ghetto so all the ppl were laughin at me from their porches and then ma homeboys like lip talked without maing me noise and they made me think i wuz...
  11. 3

    What Is a Bowl??

    a cool stoner word for pipe
  12. 3

    GROwMans 8 plant closet/ attic grow

    cool u live in florida too it has perfect conidtions for growing i have about three or four crops of ten once they exceed 6 feet i put em in the "secret garden" which is outside they grow huge out there minimal watering then once they are huge i move them inside to the flowering room which i...
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    BaG sEeD: 4 WeEkS iNtO fLoWeR

    wow nice plant! thts gunna be good
  14. 3

    First Organic Grow!!!!

    for now just leave em with plenty of light and stuff but u should use the left over 4x4 room for a budding room with less light time but it needs to be colder to represent winter days when they bud but idk ive seen come ppl let em grow for years before they initaily let them bud