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  1. B

    Always looking for advice

    My auto Thinking nute burn - watering with only water for the time being Getting close though I guess
  2. B

    Banana Kush auto isn't happy

    Its a mix of Fox Farm Coco Loco and Fox Farm Happy Potting mix - roughly 1/2 and 1/2 I'm feeding them Fox Farm Grow Big as per instructions. Today i gave her straight water and the rest the Grow - she looks a little better not as droopy but i'm wondering what those spots on the leaves are all about.
  3. B

    Banana Kush auto isn't happy

    Any idea what's going on with this plant? Doesn't need water and the P.H is between 6,5 and 7 My other plants are fine - they aren't autos
  4. B

    Me again

    Quick two questions When do i start fertilizing ( and what do u guys use ) What are the best grow lights for the buck? Thanks
  5. B

    Always looking for advice

    I did fill the pots with soil so the stems are covered as much as I can and I also lowered the lights to around 12"
  6. B

    Always looking for advice

    The seeds are Banana Kush auto flower. One is in one soil the other in Coco and the light is: FoxFarm FX14047 2-Cubic Feet FoxFarm Happy Frog Potting Soil FoxFarm FX14100 Coco Loco Potting Mix, 2 Cubic Feet, Brown/A Grow Light with Stand, LBW Dual Heads Full Spectrum Grow Light, 200W LED Plant...
  7. B

    Always looking for advice

    New guy here - first time grower. Not sure if i will keep them inside in 5 gallon buckets or plant out in my garden but for now just looking for advice on if and when to fertilize and anything else to help my grow. Thanks btw the lights are cheap Chinese grow lights