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  1. GreenCrow

    Crows first Grow

    Does nobody know? I think it should probably be ok. This is one of them, im pretty sure its female as it has the white hair things coming out of it, i think it has started flowering because i havent kept a strict light cycle..not sure though. I guess i should change the light over now and...
  2. GreenCrow

    Crows first Grow

    Ok. My grow has been going well. The plants are big and looking pretty good. I have a major problem though! One of the plants is Male, i have removed it now. It definately let some pollen go, will this screw the other plants up. I havent started flowering them yet...does this make any difference?
  3. GreenCrow

    Crows first Grow

    Awesome. I smoked some Northern Lights at a music festival a while back, we were in our own world for that week! I would really like to grow White Ice, i love the look of the plant! I am thinking feminized seeds are the way forward for me, so i dont have to worry about sexing them. Do you...
  4. GreenCrow

    Crows first Grow

    P.S Nice plants mate! What are they?
  5. GreenCrow

    Crows first Grow

    I have actually raised the plants by putting them on plastic crates from work, this is while i wait for the easy rollers i have bought to arrive. 1 of the blades on a leaf has not formed properly, it looks almost as though something has eaten it, not too sure though. I would take a picture but...
  6. GreenCrow

    Crows first Grow

    Im wondering whether i should buy some decent feminized seeds and scrap the ones im growing now? The 150w MH light im using doesnt seem to give off enough heat in the tent, would a 400w be much better in a DR80 tent?
  7. GreenCrow

    Crows first Grow

    Lol! Funny you should say that...when i got home from work my cat had decided to go for a crap in a large pot full of soil that i had got ready for repotting one of my plants! Bloody cat!
  8. GreenCrow

    Crows first Grow

    Thanks for the input Jeep. I will work out a better way of hanging the light so i can get it closer, its not overly hot in the tent, so i dont think it will burn them. I think the plants are stretched so much because we started them by a window. Ill set them on a 18/6 cycle, which is pretty much...
  9. GreenCrow

    Crows first Grow

    A day has gone by and they are looking quite a bit happier :clap:
  10. GreenCrow

    Crows first Grow

    I just started up my grow a bit more seriously today. Me and a mate had been growing some plants from some random seeds we found in gear. They have just been growing by the window for a couple of weeks or so. So i bought myself a grow tent, a 150w MH light and some nutrients . I also got a fan...
  11. GreenCrow

    What good has religion brought the world collectively?

    How religion has improved the world.....Well lots of money that the Churchs of various religions collect is given to various charitys that the Church supports, these charitys often have no links to the Church/Religion at all. At times Religion has isolated and devided, but it has also unified...
  12. GreenCrow

    Do you smoke and drive?

    I was going to my mates house from the pub after having quite a few beers, and was pretty worse for wear. I had parked my car at his house, we got to the car and rolled a joint for the drive to mine. When i tried to start the car it wouldnt start, was a 1973 Beetle. Me and my mate got out to...
  13. GreenCrow

    Do you smoke and drive?

    Im sure they did a test on a car program in the UK and got the guy to drink/smoke and he was a much safer driver when stoned, just looked on youtube... hehe you guys might like this!
  14. GreenCrow

    Do you smoke and drive?

    I agree with that totally!
  15. GreenCrow

    Do you smoke and drive?

    Do many people toke and drive? I have done since being able to drive, about 5 years now. I have never really had any problems. I have driven when drunk too but i wouldnt do that ever again, i rekon its much worse than smoking and driving. I lost my driving licence a coulpe of months ago so im...
  16. GreenCrow

    Good Deal?

    Its doesnt say what type of bulb comes with that pack...
  17. GreenCrow

    Good Deal?

    Im wondering about the lighting situation...would i be able to use the light that comes with it or do i need more lights etc? Also...Do you change the light when you want the plants to flower, whats the difference between the two types if so??
  18. GreenCrow

    Good Deal?

    I want to grow a few plants just for myself, i have seen this on ebay, do you think its a good deal? Would i need anything else? Any imput would be great...
  19. GreenCrow

    Harvest photos ~Crimea Blue~

    Looks like some nice gear!
  20. GreenCrow

    How do's from England

    Hmmmm does my signature work...?