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  1. lazykush

    Will HPS be okay for seedling/veg?

    Sorry just getting back to this now, height is not an issue really, so what height should the light roughly be from freshly sowed seedlings? I'm guessing 2-4' ?
  2. lazykush

    Will HPS be okay for seedling/veg?

    Okay so from day 1 i can stick my seedlings under the HPS? I don't have an alternative to it atm so im assumimg from the previous posts although its not the best, it will do the job?
  3. lazykush

    Will HPS be okay for seedling/veg?

    Will this make a significant enough difference for me to ensure i do it in this first attempt? I want the maximum from my work obviously but my budget is pretty stretched for this first attempt.
  4. lazykush

    Will HPS be okay for seedling/veg?

    Couldnt find the information on it but i sent you a PM
  5. lazykush

    Will HPS be okay for seedling/veg?

    Is the ballast the actual power supply etc for the light? Just getting used to all the terms. Would the bulb be used for the full veg stage? Could probably purchase one before i would get started, price seems reasonable on eBay
  6. lazykush

    Will HPS be okay for seedling/veg?

    Could you recommend a specific bulb i could purchase? Perhaps an eBay example or from an online shop? Appreciating everyones help so far :) Cant wait to start my log
  7. lazykush

    Will HPS be okay for seedling/veg?

    Ah okay, this is my first so i'm trying not to slip up on any little details, the ladies look lovely though and thanks for the advice :) Also, can someone give me a rough height of how high the shade should be from the seedlings to begin with? Even just an estimate as i literally dont know
  8. lazykush

    Will HPS be okay for seedling/veg?

    Trying to do my homework, and people are saying my HPS will be too strong for the veg stage, causing the plant to over-stretch? Can anyone suggest what i should do to rectify? Also is it worth potting my seedlings in smaller pots, or can i sow directly into the 20Ls to avoid doing this at...
  9. lazykush

    NEWBIE QUESTIONS: Several to be answered

    I think i have an idea once i can afford the other fan and filter, i'm looking forward to this experience now! Hopefully everything should be green to go by the start of the month
  10. lazykush

    NEWBIE QUESTIONS: Several to be answered

    My only current fan is a 6" clip on fan, it does not list the CFM rating where i purchased it. It also looks like it will be $140-150 for my filtration, this may not be in my budget until a month or so in, would this be a problem as long as i had it before flowering?
  11. lazykush

    NEWBIE QUESTIONS: Several to be answered

    If i can +rep i will definitely for both of you - Does that seem like a nice style of organic mix? Hopefully with all your help i'll be one step closer!
  12. lazykush

    NEWBIE QUESTIONS: Several to be answered

    Thanks for the advice :) I have looked at the filters you linked me to, what size do you recommend i would need for the specifications i have listed? Also can anyone link me to a soil guide/basic watering guide. Will i need nutrients? i would prefer to grow as organic as possible.
  13. lazykush

    NEWBIE QUESTIONS: Several to be answered

    The height is taking into consideration the lights hanging from the probably closer to 1.6 level. Could you recommend a good carbon filter purchasable online for under $30? So begin with 18/6 light schedule for the six weeks, then switch to 12/12? I will probably start a log so i can get some...
  14. lazykush

    NEWBIE QUESTIONS: Several to be answered

    First ever grow after years of reading and smoking of course. Space is roughly 1.8 x 0.8 x 0.65. Will be growing GHS Big Bang, with a 250 HPS bulb, reflector, mini fan. Questions: - Is this strain as smelly as reported? what sort of ventillation should i be looking at/Smell Control/How early...