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  1. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    Here is an update... What do you guys say? I think I will stop torturing this plant and just cut it now. It's now a little over 2 weeks since my first post and idk if it helped to let them mature the extra 2 weeks... Maybe they are too damaged and it is what it is... They faded a lot over the...
  2. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    Hi guys... I started to cut off sugar leaves and it took a good while but I stopped... I don't know... I have to cut almost ALL sugar leaves becuse all of them are damaged and almost all of them are damaged close to the buds... Also when I was cutting away some sugar leaves I cut off some...
  3. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    Ok cool I will tag you when I\ve started one! Thanks I'm documenting a lot offline. Like all the environmental infos and pictures so I can get to them later if something went wrong... But I think an open grow journal for others to see is good to have too! Will open one as soon as I havve enough...
  4. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    Ok I think you got me into opening a grow journal soon... Maybe I can tag you there so you get notified when I do...? I have a Lux meter... I also use the Photone App on iPhone... I was reading good reviews and the Photone App on iPhone is about 5-10% in range of a apogee par meter. I don't...
  5. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    I was thinking about that but I was also thinking I would only spam this place with my less than perfect grow and people would not be interested in it... So I was not sure if I should open a grow journal... I have new seedlings running right now... I am thinking maybe it's too much light again...
  6. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    Lol this is too funny not gonna lie!
  7. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    Lol ok.. I think screwing up is good for learning... so yeah I give my best to improve next time! Ok thank you I will remove everythink that's damaged and I can find as soon as light turns on. _________________________ Thanks to all of you guys! You helped me a lot (again LOL)!
  8. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    Lol thank you. Yeah I try to not make these mistakes again LOL! Ohh ok wow I was thinking about some weeks too... But I'm also a bit scared of the bud rot situation the others have mentioned.... idk
  9. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    Thanks I was thinking about dimming the light too... Was about to ask that... I think it's too much light again since they are stressed from the beginning on and did not recover fully. So I will dim it down as soon as light turns on. Ok so a week you say... I will try to get as much of the dead...
  10. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    Yes true... I asked too late into flower when all the damage was made... Look the leaves started to get purple but I thought it was because of low temperatures at night because I had the windows open and it was near freezing... but later with help of some people over here I found out it was...
  11. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    Ok cutting off all that's brown too close to the bud Thanks! I think all of you helped me a lot now... Right now I only ask myself how soon I should chop them... As I said... weight doesn't matter as long as they are potent enough and smokeable... So I would rather have less weight than rotten...
  12. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    Ok thank you for the good words at the end! I will cut them with fingernail scissors too... All of the sugar leaves that are a brown? Or just the once which are brown a lot? The next question would be: How early would you harvest? How many weeks from now on... I don't mind if I have less...
  13. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    Thank you guys I think it's good advice from all of you too! Helps me learning thanks! Ok so bending them and cutting them of if possible... What do you think? Cut off every sugar leave that has brown spots? Thats alsmost all sugar leaves... isn't that too much? What do you think?
  14. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    Yeah I try my best to keep hair off the grow next time... What would you advice now? Cut the dead sugar leaves off somehow? And what about when I harvest...? Dry them on the stem or just cut off every bud individually to get rid of the dead sugar leaves while drying and dry them fast to...
  15. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    Ok so what would you advice to do? How to get rid of the dead leaves surrounding the buds? It's hard to cut them off if the bud is surrounding them... The fan leaves no problem I can take them off... but the sugar leaves I don't know how... Or would you think in this damaged case it's better...
  16. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    And what do you mean by 'not finish correctly'? Do you mean they won't finish as fast as if they would be healthy? Ok so you think the plant number 3 is closer to harvest than the others? As I said I think the same! Yeah I will remove everything... Was letting it there to see if it gets worse...
  17. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    Did you see something unsual? Ok so you think they will take longer since they were severely stressed in flower? Wait until no more white pistils are forming or what do you mean by 'more orange hairs'? How far do you think are they? How long will they still take?
  18. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    I can only Upload 10 Files so here are the 2 additional Photos of plant 3:
  19. R

    Looking for advice on when to harvest. Don't want to cut too early.

    I was reading in a lot of threads that people always harvest too early even when they harvest in the day-window that the manufacteurer of the seeds recommend. People say stuff like 'The plant is ready when it is ready' or 'the plant doesn't count days' or 'only harvest when the plant is ripe...