Search results

  1. Jack Bartley

    Mandala Seed's new Sativa dominant " Beyond The Brain" strain, is it good?

    Beyond the Brain is not stable. I grew out two BtB fems and they were very different. Both nice and heady. One packed on 5 oz. dried after 1 month veg, and 10 weeks flower... second go round it ended up being hermie.... interesting (unstable). the other one smells like pineapples and and packs...
  2. Jack Bartley

    Point of no return PLUS october freebies!!

    Hey Tall. Just to let you know... I Just finished this strain indoors.... ordered 3 seeds from single seeds and one was a lady... Took clones and will definitely continue this one. To start, my lady is not as vigorous as other mandala strains i've grown, but I'm sure if I had ordered ten seeds I...
  3. Jack Bartley

    First Time Grower Indoor tent UFO LED

    I bought a ufo light a few months ago. I USED IT FOR APPROXIMATELY 2 WEEKS. It turned my plants into spindly pathetic looking turds. Do not trust these lights to be near the effectiveness of ANY OTHER GROW LIGHT.... even a 9 watt CFL. You can yield better results with T12's and save lots of...
  4. Jack Bartley

    who in ur opion is the best seed breeder

    They are GMO'd... God Maybe Offended. Mandala Seeds is the best... Best quality seeds. Best Prices, Best Results with barely any ferts necessary. Please check them out... Don't be fooled by the price.... Try the Safari Mix for an amazing variety at half the price.
  5. Jack Bartley

    ordered from Dr. Chronic. Was that a mistake?

    Terrible experience with Dr. Chronic. I tried to order with a credit card.... then they tell me they don't take credit cards anymore... All of a sudden?... Anyway, they emailed and asked me to send a money order... that was 3 Months ago... I emailed them back to let them know I had not received...