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  1. AcquMagister

    Legalization USD/lb, the Cali electric bill & the US electric grid, are we done for?

    Legalization USD/lb I got egiee gity viewing the first posts of another thread, but the posts are from 2015. Norml ( tells me 500usd/lb outdoor and 1,600usd/lb indoor is the market price in the legal market pretty much anywhere. But then again Norml has been fibbing about the legal...
  2. AcquMagister


    oh yes Medium Chain Triglyceride, vaped or edible, Coconut usually
  3. AcquMagister


    Hi Guys Hello Everyone :leaf::D I do edibles without the oils and such, just milled flower and capsule. My recipe: CBD or MMJ flower Coffee mill/grinder grinds 1.7-7grams in like 5 seconds: this is not your smoke grinder consistency, it comes out too fine to smoke but great...