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  1. TheGrimReefer420

    Florida Growers Thread

    Quoting Grandma's Boy lol bongsmilie
  2. TheGrimReefer420

    Florida Growers Thread

    You mean your parents... :roll:
  3. TheGrimReefer420

    Pot plant shaped like pot leaf

    Haha that's fuckin' awesome man! I love it.
  4. TheGrimReefer420

    big fridge 400w hps 4 plants

    Subscribed :) Can't wait to see how this comes out!
  5. TheGrimReefer420

    Florida Growers Thread

    Can't wait to see how that white berry comes out. Sounds delicious :)
  6. TheGrimReefer420

    Hydroponic Perpetual Grow Community

    Damn Sporky, that shit's making my mouth water! Haha Thanks to both of ya for your input, it's why I'm here afterall :P Anyways, I was thinking instead of having a harvest every 2wks, it's probably going to suit my needs better if I were to keep 2 mothers, then grow 6 clones at a time (3x2)...
  7. TheGrimReefer420

    Florida Growers Thread

    Swizzeet that's what I like to hear. Also, anybody experienced humidity problems with their indoor grows (closets specifically)? I would hope the central AC unit would keep the house at a reasonable humidity, but I honestly don't have the foggiest idea.. Mold is scary though haha
  8. TheGrimReefer420

    Florida Growers Thread

    The bay area.. Yourself? That setup looks a little large for me. I really only need to be harvesting approx 3oz a month (6oz every 8wks). Do you think I could yield 6oz from 6 clones placed straight into flowering from cloning using some sort of hydroponics and 400wHPS?
  9. TheGrimReefer420

    Hydroponic Perpetual Grow Community

    Hey guys! So after browsing around the different growing options, I've come to realize this would probably be the best system for me. I'm looking to keep 2 mothers, clone off of mothers, veg those until they are approx 3-5 nodes tall, then top them above the first so that my plants will flower...
  10. TheGrimReefer420

    Florida Growers Thread

    Hey guys! Newbie here to the growing scene.. still got LOTS to learn lol Me and a bud of mine are getting a place together, and agreed that it's time for a change. My current place (first place away from the rents) has 2 other roomies, as well as a good amount of random traffic and whatnot...
  11. TheGrimReefer420

    Grind Core

    Grindcore and Deathcore both kickass. Get real.
  12. TheGrimReefer420

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey whatsup guys. New member here. Long-time daily smoker. I burn about a z and a half a month, and am looking to cut that expense down. Hell, I spend more money a month in cannabis than I do for my cut of rent! Which is what brings me here. My current lease is up April 1st, so I will be...