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  1. J

    First time grower needs advice...heres my 4 babies..i think im about 4 weeks mabey to harvest but not sure.HELP???

    What u it's ok to pull em later? I thought they would be less potent if I harvested too late?
  2. J

    1st time grower...

    When to harvest for best results
  3. J

    First time grower needs advice...heres my 4 babies..i think im about 4 weeks mabey to harvest but not sure.HELP???

    I'm just worried bout pulling them to late...I'm trying to find the right time to harvest trying to get good head n bodyeffect... thanks for answering me...
  4. J

    Help....when to harvest....

    I just used fox farm soil and rain and tap water I've had nothing to feed but like compost egg shell n coffee grounds...n i have lot pic but I can't figure how to post more than one at a time
  5. J

    Help....when to harvest....

    U think they are gonna be good stuff or can u tell by lookin at pic...
  6. J

    Help....when to harvest....

    Here is a pic of all 4 thanks