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  1. vader29

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    thanks for that very helpfull, bongsmilie what neuts do u think would b better for me to use then hesi or bio bizz
  2. vader29

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    ok here is one for u what neuts should i use a s i am a total noob to growing, hesi or bio bizz ie what one is more forgiving for a new grower and soil types i was thinking start off in bio bizz light then move on to al mix for flowering does that sound right
  3. vader29

    first grow and stuck on which NUTRIENTS to use

    any other ideas any 1, and how about bio bizz i read they are simple to use
  4. vader29

    first grow and stuck on which NUTRIENTS to use

    sounds like good stuff but not sure how easy to get in the uk and does not look as simple as some of the others
  5. vader29

    first grow and stuck on which NUTRIENTS to use

    ok money is not a prob i just want some thing that is easy to use/follow and will do the job for my plants, thanks for the speedy reply
  6. vader29

    first grow and stuck on which NUTRIENTS to use

    ok first post and first grow i have read a lot of info on this great site and others but realy need pointing in the right place, what nutrients to use as its my first time, i will b growing in plagron light mix and the nutrients i have read about and i like the look of are...