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  1. P

    Grinder Hash??

    Hey Guys I Have a lot of keif in my grinder and I heard that if i melted a drop of water on top of it I can roll it into a ball of hash is this true?? Thanks :joint:
  2. P

    How long to keep Orange Peel in Container?

    Hey Guys I just bought a half ounce, I weighted it out and everything seems fine.:hump: My only problem is that the bud is too DRY?! I prefer it a little more moist because I find it burns slower. I've been reading that keeping the bud in a Tupperware container with an Orange Peel is...
  3. P

    New Sprout Dying??! HELP

    That just temporary I'm moving it outdoors when it looks like it can handle it
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    New Sprout Dying??! HELP

    Hey Guys My plant is really small the first pair off leaves have barely formed. It's by a window right now and the sun reaches inside the cup but now the plant looks as if it tilting over and the leaves look a bit withered. I just watered it and kept a toothpick next to it for support...
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    HELP my plant might be dying!

    Hey Guys My plant is really small the first pair off leaves have barely formed. It's by a window right now and the sun reaches inside the cup but now the plant looks as if it tilting over and the leaves look a bit withered. I just watered it and kept a toothpick next to it for support...
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    Should I break off the Seed?

    Thanks guys , I put on some purel and then just picked the shell off and I can actually see 2 small green leaves. Thanks again, :joint::shock:
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    Should I break off the Seed?

    Hey guys I really need you're help on this one. I have a plant which sprouted on March 31st 2009 , It looked like it was growing well, oh BTW its by a window , anyways It hasn't grown too much over the last couple of days and the leaves haven't begun it looks as if the seed is still attached...
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    Is this a good liquid fertilizer?

    Hey just wondering if this a good fertilizer to use? Also can I use it on one month old plants? Thanks :bigjoint:
  9. P

    Why aren't the leaves forming?!

    Well I'm trying to take a picture I'll get it asap. But otherwise I'm growing out of a Styrofoam cup using Miracle Grow Potting soil. I think the thing on top of the stem is the seed because it's brown/grey-ish I'm not going it remove it just as yet , unless you think i should? I plan to move...
  10. P

    Why aren't the leaves forming?!

    Hey guys I planted the seed on March 29th 2009 and it's been growing fine. Thing is that it just looks like a stem with a bud on top:neutral: right now it's just by a window and I give it water every 2-3 days so my question is why hasn't the beginner leaves begun to grow? Thanks Guys:bigjoint:
  11. P

    Three days and plant hasnt sprouted?

    Hey guys I planted a germinated seed about three days ago and it hasn't sprouted:confused: I'll explain what I did : 1. I took a cup of soil and I made the soil wet, 2. then I made a hole with a pencil and placed the sprouted seed into it, 3. then we made a slit in the bottom of the cup...
  12. P

    Flavouring Weed before harvest?

    Hey guys , Last night i smoked some really nice bud it was called maple syrup , it smelled and tasted like maple syrup too , and it was so sticky. Anyways I was wondering if i could do the same thing with blueberries and strawberries. I was thinking i could mix some blueberry or strawberry...
  13. P

    Would this light work?

    Hey guys I recently germinated 6 seeds its been about two days and 2 or 3 have sprouted but I have a question. I want to get the plants started indoors and move them outside after about 2-3 weeks. My question is would one 120v/60Hz CFL light be good enough light to support the plants for two...
  14. P

    Did I germinate my Seeds Properly??

    Hey guys :-P Last night at about 8:48 I put my seeds on top of two damp paper towels , by the way I sterilized the water by boiling hot water and then waiting for it to cool then I placed my 6 seeds on the damp paper towels and I placed another damp paper towel on top of the seeds then I covered...
  15. P

    Thc Weed Pills ?

    I am planning on making my first batch of the pills im going to use 0.5 gram just to see if I like the effect. I have a question after I make the pills would I have to keep the pills refrigerated? By the way I'm using this recipe:
  16. P

    When do you think Marijuana will be LEGAL?

    When do you guys think the Obama will legalize Marijuana? Later.:weed::bigjoint:
  17. P

    Good Container to keep bud Fresh?

    Hey guys just wondering if it will keep bud fresh if i keep it in one of those orange pharmacy bottles for pills with have those child locks on them. Like this :
  18. P

    Is my weed Spoiled?! Please Read

    Hey I was about to light a spliff and then being stupid i dropped it on the ground after it had just rained and the bud got all wet. So i was wondering if i unrolled all my weed and dry it up if it would be smokable. thanks guys :bigjoint:
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    Good Stashes for hiding harvest

    Hey guys I just was wondering where you keep your bud away from nosey roomates. Thanks guys:bigjoint:
  20. P

    Harvesting Help!

    I've read that One day before I harvest I'm supposed to make a hole in the main stem of the plant? What will this do? Also is it alright if I were to hang my buds in a dark cool loft in my garage with a fan circulating air constantly for maybe 8 - 10 days?:idea::leaf: Would the buds be...