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  1. CaffeineNCanna

    Why do Republicans suck?

    That's not what I meant, so I apologize. I should have been more clear. Thank you for your efforts in the propulsion of our infection.
  2. CaffeineNCanna

    Why do Republicans suck?

    If you're ever going to respond to my comments in their entirety, let me know. Until then, I'll just sit here and watch you project and avoid direct questions.
  3. CaffeineNCanna

    Why do Republicans suck?

    Where did I ever mention the latest election? I didn't. I said "democracy is an illusion". You chose to interpret it to benefit whatever narrative you're running internally. Like I said, get some fucking oxygen.
  4. CaffeineNCanna

    Why do Republicans suck?

    Two sentences were complicated for you? Get some fucking oxygen.
  5. CaffeineNCanna

    Why do Republicans suck?

    Is that what's happening here?
  6. CaffeineNCanna

    Why do Republicans suck?

    An ACTUAL democracy would be nice. Not a fucking ruse. And you're obviously very accurate, not everyone will use an entheogen and be enlightened. You have to actually seek enlightenment. It takes more effort than clicking on the TV. Most people avoid it.
  7. CaffeineNCanna

    Why do Republicans suck?

    Thank you for what you are doing and actually responding to my comment in its entirety.
  8. CaffeineNCanna

    Why do Republicans suck?

    Explain = how you people smoke an entheogen and still engage this shit instead of actually doing something beneficial like swaying your local community. Change is a bacterial infection, sometimes a localized wound is all it takes for growth.
  9. CaffeineNCanna

    Why do Republicans suck?

    My post triggered the fuck out of you. Otherwise you would have explained instead of asking questions and telling me I'm complaining. You took the responsibility of explanation off of yourself and put it on me... Like I said, Try. Again.
  10. CaffeineNCanna

    Why do Republicans suck?

    I'm just the right type of medicated. That made my day
  11. CaffeineNCanna

    Why do Republicans suck?

    Nice sidestep. Try again.
  12. CaffeineNCanna

    Why do Republicans suck?

    You smoke an entheogen and can't see past the fact that democracy is an illusion. . . Having a choice is an illusion. . . They have literally shat in your laps for decades and you let them. Explain.
  13. CaffeineNCanna

    Stop cutting your clone stems at a 45! There's a better way to get a white beard growing.

    Maybe vertical cuts perpendicular to the horizontal and the length of the submerged/planted stem?! I just got so excited!!
  14. CaffeineNCanna

    Stop cutting your clone stems at a 45! There's a better way to get a white beard growing.

    Thank you! That's good to keep in mind. I have read that plants fill in wounds with pressure and tissue cells. That's probably why the cuts work so well and the scraping doesn't. When you scrape, if not deep enough, there's not really anything to fill. This curiosity voyage is certainly underway.
  15. CaffeineNCanna

    Stop cutting your clone stems at a 45! There's a better way to get a white beard growing.

    I tried something similar last week and I'm waiting on my results. I did 5 parallel cuts on the bottom 1 inch of stem. Then cleaned the fiber/bark from between the cuts. I honestly have no clue what's going to happen. :hump:
  16. CaffeineNCanna

    Cutting vs. Pulling Leaves Off

    This thread was funny thanks, guys