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  1. thc2022

    Should i turn up the light

    Yeah i think its a combination of things. This is my first grow, i had a SF4000 and stuggled like hell with heat at the first 3 weeks. I then changed ti the HLG and its a game changer, no more heat issues, RH is dialled in and manged by inkbird controller along with my controller on the tent...
  2. thc2022

    Should i turn up the light

    temps are good. Night 65-70 day 74-76 RH 58 live organic soil, no added nutes. Well i did add some seaweed a few weeks back in one of the waters. I did change the light Day 27, now Day 49. The sister of that strain isnt as bad but shows it. The Kush doesnt have this issue.
  3. thc2022

    Should i turn up the light

    its 30-36" from light to bud sights
  4. thc2022

    Should i turn up the light

    I have been edging up my light slowly. The last increase was Sunday. Can anyone tell me if these leaves are showing stress? The points in the leaves look erect. The other strain (middle image) i have growing doesnt show this.
  5. thc2022

    First Grow - Hows it looking

    Yeah they are like that on water day.
  6. thc2022

    First Grow - Hows it looking

    Hi all, As this is my first grow i have no idea what to expect. Here are my girls in their 6th Week. 2 Northern Light and 1 Double Kush Cake Growing in ecothrive organic soil.
  7. thc2022

    First Grow - Drooping this morning

    This is first light for the plants today and they look brighter. BTW - the one on the left is a different type. Double Kush i think, the other 2 are both Northern Lights. This is one of the flowers on the double Kush
  8. thc2022

    First Grow - Drooping this morning

    I see, thats a bitch. The one on the right in my pic took ages to catch up and now its the weeker looking plant with, as you say three finger leaves too.
  9. thc2022

    First Grow - Drooping this morning

    So a part of the normal process. Still getting used to what the plants look like after certain triggers. Loving learning though. Yes the light is going up but every few days as to not cause more stress. This is what i wondered as i have recently increased. Ill see what they are like in a bit...
  10. thc2022

    First Grow - Drooping this morning

    Hi all, The girls are drooping this morning. This is the end of the 16 hour day for these. They had a water 16 hours previous and looked ok 8 hours before. Could this be light? I have been edging my light up from when i installed it. and currently sitting at 320w at 36", which is dial 4 of 10...
  11. thc2022

    Nagative/ Positive Pressure In Grow Tent

    Hi all, Someone commented sayintg negative pressure in a grow tent is good. Is this a) true and b) is there any benefot from positive pressure?
  12. thc2022

    Swapped SF4000 for HLG 600 RSPEC

    cool i was hoping somone would be using them.You had them long? How have they performed for you?
  13. thc2022

    Swapped SF4000 for HLG 600 RSPEC

    Hi all, I'm after some advice please. I have swapped over my light to an HLG 600 RSPEC. I was having heat issues and crap support from Spider Farmer. I read great things about HLG so went for them. Plants are in vedge and coming into Flower. Just finished Week 3 from seedling showing. HLG...
  14. thc2022

    Switching to organic

    Yes, i am on my first grow and am using the Ecothrive & Indoor Organics Eco-life
  15. thc2022

    My First Grow

  16. thc2022

    My First Grow

    Hello all I am on my first grow and was rcommended this forum! So hello! Here are my girls currently. 1 x Double Kush Auto 2 x Northern Lights Auto Day 26 from seedling appearing There are some marks on the leaves and i think this is down to me adding some seaweed in the water. I only fed...