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  1. S

    help 3 weeks in flowering but buds seem tiny

    ha ha ha you know you love me!!! right i will leave you alone now ha ha lmao
  2. S

    help 3 weeks in flowering but buds seem tiny

    shit you guys are a bit hot headed!!!! i know audi you fools go and smoke a oz and chill yourselves lol
  3. S

    3 week flowering need serious help???

    nah them plants are the best i have ever seen to be fair, they look healthy and strong! your gonna get some nice big buds off them, iv got a noce plant thats coming along there but got no pics to show you, but if you seen it you would be impressed. nice one mate, we should hook up and...
  4. S

    3 week flowering need serious help???

    hellllllllloooooooooooooooo you nutter!!! ha ha ha ha
  5. S

    help 3 weeks in flowering but buds seem tiny

    look in the mirror, lol thats where u will find the prick im sure i know you you and your shit plants man gosh i thought they would have looked better than that man
  6. S

    help 3 weeks in flowering but buds seem tiny

    you like my name????? ha ha ha:clap:
  7. S

    help 3 weeks in flowering but buds seem tiny

    yo audi ive seen better plants on road in the bushes in the park id give up now if i was you!! ha ha ha:weed: