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    ripz you're a dumb lost cause, not even trying to convince you anymore. Just...last thing with you...out of curiosity: HOW MANY AUCTIONS DID YOU WIN AND HOW MANY SEEDS DID YOU ORDERED AND RECEIVED SO FAR FROM THAT SITE? Let me guess.... Zero?! What's the point of discussing something with...
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    ripz stop this useless ass licking fest and stop being the devil's advocate for somebody that is ripping people off. You like that site? You enjoy posting on it? Fair enough. But denying what people is saying and their complaints about wasting money is just plain pathetic. Is like saying: I know...
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    you really DON'T know a thing, so you should STFU. Coz people are losing money on that site and your ass licking aint doing any good.
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    Thc Farmer

    THCfarmer is a rip off! Check this link out guyz
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    No chance what?! If u dont believe I couldnt care less! Latest example of censorship: One guy paid top dollars for some "top of the line" seeds and received some white immature seeds!!! and what was the answer? THREAD CLOSED, hopefully...
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    believe me you don't wanna join that s(h)ite. Its admin is a THIEF and the level of the forum is pathetic. Censorship all over the place when his intererests gets in the way.
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    Thc Farmer

    The kid running that site ripped me off for more than 200 bucks. And by looking round boards I noticed I ain't the only one. People beware.....