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  1. mistergumbee


    Nektar was a revelation! i saw them at the Calderone Concert Hall in Hempstead, Long Island, New York, maybe 1974 or so. Before big video screens, they had an amazing multimedia graphical screen projected light show the likes of which i never saw before or since, and spellbinding music. Best...
  2. mistergumbee

    autos flowering leaves yellow w black stripes the who

    mini cannabis farm. planted 8/13/22 (8 weeks from seed) white widow autoflower plain potting soil. very little jacks 20-20-20 and some banana peel tea. water ph 6.5 plant is flowering. yellow leaves, some have stripes down the center. some small black spots. is this a nutrient deficiency...
  3. mistergumbee

    wilted flowers

    wilted flowers black widow autos, week 10 from sprouting, started in potting soil, recent repot in coast of maine potting soil. 128 led 100 W light 18" above tops, fabric pots, bottom watering conservatively, no nutes yet. flowers are wilting withering lightly burning. can i correc6 this...
  4. mistergumbee

    feed nutes liquid NO STINK PLEASE!

    your plant looks great! you have so many colas. did you top it? i see she's in a closet. i dont see any ducting. did you grow with only added light and whatever's in the pot? how are you handling the smell (1st time grow)
  5. mistergumbee

    feed nutes liquid NO STINK PLEASE!

    thanks. can you recommend a specific product? does it have a bad smell? yes i know the real smell comes from the plants. can you recommend a a low-odour auto? tx 4 your help. my 1st grow.
  6. mistergumbee

    feed nutes liquid NO STINK PLEASE!

    hi, first time grow. ready to feed. i read a lot about about how liquid nutes SMELL BAD. growing indoors in an apartment w/ family. the only thing i found that specically says "no smell" is Jobe’s Fertilizer 06000, Spikes, For All Tomato Plants.(obviously not liquid but also convenient) Please...
  7. mistergumbee

    cannabis as art/photography

    my now 30 day plants spent the first 2 weeks in only an east facing window light. i mist them once a day as i dont have any humidity control yet. i think i can still rescue 2 or three of them. will be putting them in a makeshift grow box soon. your 18 day ones look great. 26 day: artsy indeed...
  8. mistergumbee

    Indoor Afghan Kush AutoFlower (Macro Photography)

    hi, yes the cannabis plant is beautiful. your photos are excellent. you're highlighting parts too often ignored when people show the fruits of their labor. i'm just 30 days in to my first grow. heres my most recent string
  9. mistergumbee

    cannabis as art/photography

    day 30 of my white widow autos. growing very slow. having fun photographing them in their 6 inch pots using my android phone. using an app called Camera FV-5. the pro version is 5 or 10 bucks. allows full manual control particularly focus which is a must for macro photography. note in the most...
  10. mistergumbee

    weak seedlings east window

    i made more space between the wood and the transformer. thanks
  11. mistergumbee

    weak seedlings east window

    thanks for the cat, window, build up soil, dry out, and tent advice. isk, looks like you have a nice grow going in your living space. you must have some great sun. i gave up trying to use only east window light. now on day 19 after germination and i have 5 spindly seedlings in 6" plastic...
  12. mistergumbee

    weak seedlings east window

    thanks for the code kerowhacked, i bought the jeranktek 1000w\ w 218 LEDs for a legit 50% off $39 Instead of $79). i expect the mars hydro is better but cost is an object. great trick with the moded light bulb too
  13. mistergumbee

    weak seedlings east window

    how can the smell of flowering plants be described? is it just like sticking your nose into a bag of good cured buds? what else can it be compared to for the unenlightened
  14. mistergumbee

    weak seedlings east window

    i sprouted first, then planted only one (1) sprout.
  15. mistergumbee

    weak seedlings east window

    thanks for the landlord/lifestyle/carbon filter/used bargain/ advice. jk door 420 your two (2) shrubs look nice. i see yellow leaves. are you close to harvest. this one came up double
  16. mistergumbee

    weak seedlings east window

    thank you all for your succint comments and advice. i'll try to get these plants into a box or closet with some lights. a question: with four (4) plants (or even one (1) plant, is using a lot of bamboo activated charcoal bags in the grow box sufficient to control the aroma (landlord visiting on...
  17. mistergumbee

    weak seedlings east window

    i usd this seedling mix from ace hardware
  18. mistergumbee

    weak seedlings east window

    tx 4 ur response mcshnutz. i'll check out some cheap lights. whats better for four (4) plants (will be trained down). a 1000 W 8" x 12" all white, or two (2) 100 W white/red/blue switchable. see attached. need to keep the budget down
  19. mistergumbee

    weak seedlings east window

    ps: they are white widow