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  1. olinotni

    Ahh Shit......spider mites

    Hey thanks I really appreciate the help. Those suckers are goin down!
  2. olinotni

    Ahh Shit......spider mites

    Has anyone ever used Raid Home and Garden to kill the little bastards? It says it kills spider mites but it also says you shouldnt spray it on a vegetable plant. It says nothing about not using it if you plan to smoke the plantbongsmilie. What do you guys think??
  3. olinotni

    I HAVE to leave the site

    Goodwill sells rebuilt computers now. They are not too should go take a look!
  4. olinotni

    Bump If You're Baked!

  5. olinotni

    been high all spring break

    I too must return to class on Monday. I have smoked my lungs out all week! Back to reality I guess....... My reality includes an exam on Monday in my "Drugs & Behavior" class. Subjects include: Alcohol, Steroids, and most importantly........Cannabis! I should get one section correct huh?
  6. olinotni

    same sex marriage hearing

    haha, no pics. Nice try though! But my g/f and I are pretty hot!
  7. olinotni

    can you wash a bong is the dish washer??

    Wow, thats pretty!
  8. olinotni

    same sex marriage hearing

    Excluding TheBrutalTruth, I am really impressed to see so many people speak positively for gay rights. As a lesbian, I thank you and appreciate your support.
  9. olinotni


    Thanks so much. Im going to put her in a bigger pot as soon as I can. I really appreciate the help guys! I'll stop freaking out :)
  10. olinotni


    So I just went to water my plants and I lifted the pot to see if there was water in the bottom pan and apparently the root has grown down into the pan. I didnt realize this when I picked it up and it ripped off. Do you think she's gonna die?? Im going to get her in a bigger pot a.s.a.p.
  11. olinotni

    What to do with the boys

    Oh I have no idea what strain. This whole thing was sort of an accident. My other half planted random seeds and didnt think they would grow but they did. So I feel obligated to let them grow.
  12. olinotni

    What to do with the boys

    This is my very first attempt at growing. I have 3 plants that are doing well. So far Im sure I have 1 female and its looking like I have 1 male. The 3rd plant is undetermined as of tonight. Is there any use for the male other than pollinating for seeds? Cant you get anything from it...
  13. olinotni

    Over Watering!!

    Ok, I figured it out. To many nutrients......oops. I backed off and its looking better. A lot is involved in growing a weed :)
  14. olinotni

    Do I have a case? Illegal search?

    Wow, what a story! I dont know what to say to help you but I wish you the best and hope everything works out in your favor. It doesnt seem like they can do that without consent or your presence!! Sometimes I think they pride themselves in being dicks. Did they really need to use such...
  15. olinotni

    Over Watering!!

    I think I gave one of my plants too much water. The bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow. Is there anything I can do for it right now or do I just let it dry out?? Im new to this game and its really hard to just leave the poor little things alone. It seems like they are not growing but...