Search results

  1. E

    Veg Humidity

    just put cups or buckets filled with water in it thats all
  2. E

    Smoking Ediquette... The Do's and Don'ts

    dont hog the blunt
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    Transplanting Question.

    u can its works great
  4. E

    Grow 2 lbs. on a 2’ x 4’ 32 Site DIY Aeroponic Unit

    does the spray stay on 24/7 or does it shut off when the lights turn off??
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    The White Widow Grow Hydro Grow

    so the drip system is on 24/7?
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    First Time Grower Need YOUR Opinion

    grab some supertrive for walmart
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    How long can I veg?????

    you can veg for as long as you want
  8. E

    updated pix of my babie

    how old are they?
  9. E

    Seeds From Nirvana

    so whats atitudes website?