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  1. Carl Spackler

    has anyone ever seen this

    Yes. Chrysanthemum. Discard or grow around tomatos to keep pests down.
  2. Carl Spackler

    Basic fertilizers needed before start? 50 year old garden - Never fertilized

    This is why, after nearly 6 years as a member and over 40 years experience growing all types of plant material I rarely visit the site or comment on any subject. Make a soil sandwich if you like, it still doesn't tell you any hard-data regarding the soil's condition. If $22.00 is "half your...
  3. Carl Spackler

    Basic fertilizers needed before start? 50 year old garden - Never fertilized

    Start with the basics. Take a soil test to your county extension office. Usually they provide a Macro- nutrient and pH test fairly cheaply. Other, independent labs can get as fancy (pricey) as you like. Wear exam gloves to prevent acids on your skin from throwing off the pH results if...
  4. Carl Spackler

    What's the max I could veg in a 3gal pot?

    Unlikely that any strain will get root bound in 2 mos given a 3 gal pot. Some plants even prefer a slightly restricted root system despite popular opinion. Wilting within 2-3 days after a thorough watering is a good indicator that a larger pot is needed. I've kept a mother plant in a 2.5 gal...
  5. Carl Spackler

    Recycling moldy soil?

    Ahhhhh yes. We fear what we don't understand.
  6. Carl Spackler

    Recycling moldy soil?

    The "mold" is likely mycelium. These are the fruiting bodies of active fungi and are totally harmless and, in many cases beneficial to the microbes in your soil. The microbes break down organic/synthetic fertilizers in to useable forms for the plant. As long as soluble salts aren't building up...
  7. Carl Spackler

    Awesome Guerrilla Grow Spots

    Guerrilla Grow Site selection in order of importance: 1. A reason to be where you are. Birdwatching, hiking, taking your dog for a stroll or my personal favorite- fishing. You must have a alibi in case someone sees you or, your vehicle. 2. Sunlight. Many people have been disappointed by their...
  8. Carl Spackler

    Root bound Autoflower, transfer or let it grow?

    I suppose I should have said that Auto's are heavy feeders relative to their size. Since conventional plants require a slow, steady supply of nutrients through their life cycle beginning with tiny amounts in the early vegetative stage, it's been my experience that Auto's need slightly more and...
  9. Carl Spackler

    Large White Mushrooms popping up in Coco - Any ideas?

    Typically mushrooms occur during times of high/excessive moisture and low-light conditions coupled with organic matter that mushroom spores have attached to. They are harmless to your grow. Just pick and discard.
  10. Carl Spackler

    Root bound Autoflower, transfer or let it grow?

    With such a short grow-time from a Autoflower, it's highly unlikely you are looking at a "root bound" or girdled root system. More likely a minor macro/micro nutrient issue as the plant looks generally healthy. Re-potting is only advised on long-term grows and even then, only during the...
  11. Carl Spackler

    white spots on leaves

    I love this kind of post and the obligatory replies. Someone thinks they have spider mites and everyone chimes in immediately about the superiority/inferiority of several different controls and/or methods. All before any specific pest has been identified. "Shoot first ask questions later"...
  12. Carl Spackler

    Proper use of bone and blood meal?

    Bone meal can take many months to be broken down by microbes in the soil profile to be in a useable form for plants. Since cannabis is classified as a annual, it is unlikely that it will be available in any appreciable amount for your plant(s). Synthetics generally offer a more readily...
  13. Carl Spackler

    Need advice on location

    You might consider growing Auto-flowering strains. Direct sow in soil around the first 2 weeks of June. Done in 60 days or so. Well before hunting season and, since they a relatively small, they will be more difficult to detect. A lot of folks get bent out of shape about yield/plant on Autos...
  14. Carl Spackler

    How often should i use SUPERthrive?

    P.G.R.- Plant Growth Regulators ( phytohormones) or Secondary Metabolites
  15. Carl Spackler

    How often should i use SUPERthrive?

    It is NOT a P. G. R. If it were, it would be required by law to have an actual label listing %active ingredients(s), modes of action, signal word, inert ingredients, LD50 # etc.etc. Since it IS outright quackery/snake oil, this product can make any claim the manufacturers want. The "old-timey...
  16. Carl Spackler

    Snow melt and homemade charcoal filter...

    The tiny amounts of "pollutants" in snow/ rainfall are practically unmeasurable and, would almost certainly be filtered out going through whatever soil/soilless media you choose. Also, the plant(s) would extract only what is needed through their vascular system. Unless you simply prefer extra...
  17. Carl Spackler

    Anyone grow veggies with their mj indoors?

    I've grown tomatos and peppers during the winter months along side my hobby plants with no issues other than light-competition from the tomatos. I would suggest that you inspect and/or treat your veggies for insects thoroughly. Aphids might be a problem.
  18. Carl Spackler

    Shot Glass Germination Problems

    Amen, Far too much jacking around in regards to a stupid-simple germination process. Cannabis evolved and figured out eons ago how to reproduce and germinate in harsh environments just fine without our help. Soil+moisture+warmth+viable seed = new seedling. Over complicated handling will...