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  1. C

    Shut down my grow cab - lots of stuff for sale

    there is no ebay link, because i didnt know how to group things. if someone wants just the lights, or just the scrubber and fans, or whatever. send me a PM let me know what you are interested in. if you would like to make things more and secure i will set up an ebay buy it now listing for you.
  2. C

    Shut down my grow cab - lots of stuff for sale

    so i just closed down my cabinet and i was trying to get rid of the thing as a whole, but dont think im gonna have much luck. so im gonna try and get rid of the components individually. -SunSystem 150wHPS bulb included -1 Two foot T5 Fluorescent and 2 150w equiv cfl's with base to hang them -4...
  3. C

    Indoor growing: artificial vs. natural sunlight

    my light meter goes alot higher from direct sunlight coming through a window than it does under my 150w hps. if i could i would leave them out but ppl could see them through windows, plus its harder to control odor and light cycle (12 hours of complete darkness) may require moving plant daily
  4. C

    What's Hash go for these days?

    i can get primo blow for less than that lol
  5. C

    Happy Hermie Harvest!? Pics!

    people here always say that hermie plants will produce hermie seeds, but i have read otherwise elsewhere. i have read that since there is no male chromosome used, the seeds will be all female but have a tendency to turn hermie under stress conditions
  6. C

    Can the fuzz catch a 400w lamp?

    if you wanna play it safe you could go with a 250 or a 150, could probably provide enough for personal use and alot better than the cfl's. and i would still use cfl's to veg to save power. have a veg box on 18/6 or 20/4 or w/e and then have your hps on 12/12 always
  7. C

    Today's big question for you:

    i would take a few inches off my wang and get some height. im a short mofo
  8. C

    Ways To Get Higher and Stay High Longer.

    rotate strains. i usually have 3-5 types of shit and always mix it up. i never really build up tolerance and i smoke about 2-3 g's a day. oh and the other thing is smoke better weed. i mostly smoke kush
  9. C

    Rush Limbaugh defends pirates

    what do you mean "real kids"? the young muslim boys werent "real kids"? wow people say some stupid stuff on here
  10. C

    help ive got these tiny white bugs

    i think you may have what i have. they are called springtails and are actually not harmful and some say even beneficial, and they are attracted to moist environments. you will see them in your runoff water, or if you have a drip pan, they will be in sometimes large numbers on the surface of the...
  11. C

    Do you get high before work?

    where did that come from? lol obviously some strange fantasy of yours
  12. C

    ive been smoking all day, now im not getting high

    so true. i just invested in some bud that is about 1.5-2X the price of some of the shit i was grabbin before, but i smoke half the amount and i always gethigh, almost like when i first started smokin (9 years ago) well worth the money
  13. C

    Favorite part of Pineapple Express!

    I liked when he tried to kick out the window, and when the guy throws the ashtray like a frisbee at seth's head
  14. C

    Fresh buds and vaporisors

    is it one of those cheap glass dome models?
  15. C

    12 days flowering and accidently cut off a big stem!!!????

    get some kinda dome over it if possible. i had little to no success cloning til i tried a humidity dome.
  16. C

    Please Tell Me Im Not Seeing This!!!

    it might just be really tight bunches of pistils busting out of calyxes. they look kinda funny sometimes. itsd hard to tell from that pic tho
  17. C

    White Berry 42 Days Flowering - Yellowing? (Bud Pix)

    looks good. does it have a purple'ish colour or is just my eyes?