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  1. D

    Very soft branches, 7 weeks into flowering

    What kind of fan/air circulation are you using? Stems and branches tend to get very weak indoors if there isn't enough air movement.
  2. D

    Return of the three-leaf marijuana

    thanks for the link! Doesn't it feel great to not be the only one? I felt very alone when my plant wouldn't start growing more leaves, which is actually why I joined this forum. I was concerned until I realized that its budding just fine. The bud looks great. Its like having a retarded child but...
  3. D

    Return of the three-leaf marijuana

    thanks for the reponses!! I can only even visit the plant on weekends, so this weekend I will scope it out, and if it needs a little more time I can't go back until two weeks later (out of town :( ) but I will probably harvest then.
  4. D

    Return of the three-leaf marijuana

    :eyesmoke: Yup, its one of the two. Hard to say because the seeds are of unknown origin, but there have been hints of a certain stealth strain with three-fingered leaves. I would like to think this is the case :mrgreen:
  5. D

    Return of the three-leaf marijuana

    update, my strain of three-fingered marijuana is well into flowering, at just two feet tall. Here are some pics. Anyone have any guesses as to how far away from harvest I am? Cheers :)
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    MY guerilla plant!

    yeah! Man now I need to find me a mutant strain that looks just like a palm tree. Nobody around here will look twice.
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    MY guerilla plant!

    In my latitude, we will not be getting more than 12 hours of light a day until April 1. I should be safe!
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    MY guerilla plant!

    I hope it just buds out! That's interesting about the three leaf variety. That describes my plant perfectly. Only three leaves, under three feet tall, quick to bud.
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    MY guerilla plant!

    Well, as a seedling the plant was outside during the day and then brought inside at night to avoid a cold front. Then, it was planted at just 1 & 1/2 inches tall. So basically, its entire life has been spent outdoors. Here's another picture of the entire plant.
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    MY guerilla plant!

    thanks for the quick reply rince. Yep isn't that weird!
  11. D

    MY guerilla plant!

    Hi everyone, first time posting first time growing. I'm not an idiot but by no means an expert either. :) Anyways here's the short story: One and a half months ago. Somewhere in Florida. started out with 9 seeds, only six sprouted, only four sprouted strong and were planted in two...