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  1. CheetoSaver

    Random thought. (Aquarium) Duckweed is like having tribbles

    Random thought. (Aquarium) Duckweed is like having tribbles
  2. CheetoSaver

    (Actual Conversation Today) Tech: found the problem. Me: and....??? Tech: it's the filter we...

    (Actual Conversation Today) Tech: found the problem. Me: and....??? Tech: it's the filter we installed at the pole last week, to help reduce interference. Me: So the thing installed to stop noise is MAKING noise? Yep. Sounds right.
  3. CheetoSaver

    You make a fair point

    You make a fair point
  4. CheetoSaver

    I want to be one of those people. You know, productive?

    I want to be one of those people. You know, productive?
  5. CheetoSaver

    Nailed it :cool:

    Nailed it :cool:
  6. CheetoSaver

    Yaasss....someone got it! You rock

    Yaasss....someone got it! You rock
  7. CheetoSaver

    Let's see your auto grows!

    Fast Berry is coming on
  8. CheetoSaver

    What are we gonna do today, Brain?

    What are we gonna do today, Brain?
  9. CheetoSaver

    Male? Female?

    Thank you and lololol
  10. CheetoSaver

    Male? Female?

    Oh you made an old woman's note. Ty so much
  11. CheetoSaver

    Male? Female?

    Pic 1 or 2? Or both?
  12. CheetoSaver

    Male? Female?

    How about now?
  13. CheetoSaver

    Male? Female?

    This is so cool. I didn't know this was even out there
  14. CheetoSaver

    Male? Female?

    Too awesome
  15. CheetoSaver

    Male? Female?

  16. CheetoSaver

    Male? Female?

    I'm really hoping both are female but we shall see
  17. CheetoSaver

    Male? Female?

    How do you do that?
  18. CheetoSaver

    Male? Female?

    I will but grrr...sticking to feminized next time. Thank you for your help.
  19. CheetoSaver

    Male? Female?

    Nooooo....sigh I was thinking the same
  20. CheetoSaver

    Male? Female?

    Aw man...oookayyy. Lol thank you