I had the leds off in the pic that’s my camera flash but they’re 600 watts and it was hot in the tent but I unzipped it to make it stay cool, I turned off one of the lights and they seem to be turning back green. They are my brothers plants and he probably overwatered and sometimes underwaters
The bottom branches started to get powdery mildew from the rain we’ve been having and it’s just starting to spread so I’m taking it down today or giving it one more day before it starts to rain bad again on Sunday and the following week. Here’s pics of my grow their is white widow, blueberry...
I use fox farm ocean and forest, it has everything you need for veg already inside the dirt but it doesn’t have nutrients for bloom and you could also give it fox farm grow big if it’s lacking I would get some super soil that is basically dirt filled with worm castings when you transplant it...