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  1. W

    Bud rot

    Help is this bud rot allready?
  2. W

    I have thanks

    I have thanks
  3. W

    Are these ready...

    The purple is the
  4. W

    Thanks soo much for your time
  5. W

    Are these ready...

    Thankyou soo much for your time
  6. W

    So what do you think
  7. W

  8. W

  9. W

    The buds are small also on the plant..thx again
  10. W

    I will never find that on my i will look when i get home...i thought the plant was sick or something cause it turned colours.....i will take a new pic soon..thanks for your help
  11. W

    Sorry the first pics are last bad ..and i will take pic or whole plant when i go home..thanks and sorry about the posts
  12. W

    Thankyou soo much

    Thankyou soo much
  13. W

    Sorry i couldnt figure out how to put pic post..the other ones were last years post... so not ready? And what are nanners
  14. W

    Are these ready...

    Hey goodmorning can someone tell me if this plant is ready..i have 4 plants and only this plants buds turned purple
  15. W

    Does this look ready to harvest
  16. W

    First time grower - Are these ready?

    I dont know if theses are ready?..some help would be idea of strain
  17. W

    Are these ready

    Are these ready
  18. W

    Are these ready?

    Is this ready
  19. W

    Are these ready?

    Lol What