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  1. J

    Experience with Daconil

    I’ve grown for a couple years outdoors and have had issues with powdery mildew. This year I notice some starting and sprayed with a copper fungicide. It did nothing. I then tried Daconil diluted to the recommended dose and it seems to have stopped the mildew progression. This was around the time...
  2. J

    Washing Outdoor Bud

    Thanks for the info. I only sprayed because there’s some powdery mildew. Been trying everything to get rid of it but nothing has worked so far.
  3. J

    Washing Outdoor Bud

    What ratio of hydrogen peroxide to water do folks use in their wash? I recently sprayed my plants with one tablespoon of potassium bicarbonate mixed in a gallon of water and it burned the shit out of them. I sprayed late in the evening and rinsed it off in the morning.
  4. J

    Potassium bicarbonate wash after harvest

    How much potassium bicarbonate do you use per gallon in your wash? Also how much H2O2? Thanks again for your help.
  5. J

    Potassium bicarbonate wash after harvest

    I thought baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) changed the PH so they couldn’t grow, but from what I’ve read the potassium bicarbonate kills them. Of course that’s just what I’ve read on the internet so I really have no clue as to what’s true lol
  6. J

    Potassium bicarbonate wash after harvest

    My plants have powdery mildew. I’ve been using Mildew Cure from safergrow and it has definitely kept it from spreading, but I still see spots here and there. I’m wondering if anyone has tried to wash their buds in a solution of potassium bicarbonate and water after harvest, followed by a rinse...