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  1. jeromy1981

    Run!! the spots are coming!

    so i went in today and found these yellow and brown rusty dots on my lower leaves.. it looks to be spreading upward can someone who knows their shit tell me wtf is wrong here. i have heard so many storys so i posted this thread to get a rel lowdown fct of what going on. i have the plant in 1/4...
  2. jeromy1981

    best way to make bud taste good..( look)

    now we got the hang of it.......
  3. jeromy1981

    Miracle Grow Soil Take 2

    as far as i know its from some bud from arizona... i have no idea i got these seeds from a friend who keeps bags full of seeds for who knows what..
  4. jeromy1981

    best way to make bud taste good..( look)

    sounds good! thats what i want to see in this thread different things people do.
  5. jeromy1981

    best way to make bud taste good..( look)

    no this is not a question some people have different methods as to what they do when curing or even adding flavor to their smoke. this thread is to talk about new ideas that people have tried or wanna try thnx tho
  6. jeromy1981

    best way to make bud taste good..( look)

    Hey all, i want to know how you make your bud smell different or taste different. So lets hear it!
  7. jeromy1981

    Miracle Grow Soil Take 2

    wow bud it wasnt that big of a deal. why come into this thread if your a mg sales man and bitch about people not liking mg. go burn some other thread.... btw my plants are in scotts with 1/4 organic mg in it. my grow is set but mg still sux and if that hurts your little feelings im sorry...
  8. jeromy1981

    Miracle Grow Soil Take 2

    damn mg is screwing my grow up...:wall:
  9. jeromy1981

    SHow YOur CFL Grow and what you know!!

    also one of the plants veins on its leaves appear black on top.... why is that????
  10. jeromy1981

    SHow YOur CFL Grow and what you know!!

    Im not sure of what the strain is the seeds are from some arizona bud i got from a friend. i have them in scotts soil with 1/4 organic mg. no nutes just water i currently have all six lights on one power cord going to a circuit breaker just in case. the plnts are 2weeks and one day old. their...
  11. jeromy1981

    SHow YOur CFL Grow and what you know!!

    These are my 2 week old babies.. i have 6 27w=100 cfl's on top:bigjoint:
  12. jeromy1981

    Dark green and curling gimme the news doc!!

    this is my plants in the closet
  13. jeromy1981

    Dark green and curling gimme the news doc!!

    how old are your plants? where did you get the 30w cfl's? how many watts do they produce? i also have 4 plants and i have 6 27w=100w cfls. i have my plants in the closet the size of a port-a-pottie. i think its enough now but not sure what im gonna do when i go into flowering stage. i was...
  14. jeromy1981

    Florida Growers Thread

    man i just moved from orlando to atlanta and it sux!!! today is the first nice day.... i bet atlanta has a high suicide rate cause its always gloomy here wtf???
  15. jeromy1981

    Dark green and curling gimme the news doc!!

    anyone else growing under cfl's??
  16. jeromy1981

    Dark green and curling gimme the news doc!!

    thank budha!! my plants are looking better!! I folier feed them 1/4 epsom salt in 1 quart of water and about 4 hours lter they strightend out.... whooo!!!
  17. jeromy1981

    Dark green and curling gimme the news doc!!

    yea i just watered them.... i hope thats the prob i was watering once every three days but it was dry when i checked... i will be so pissed if these plants die. should i be giving nutes at all if im using scotts soil that feeds up to 4 months??
  18. jeromy1981

    Florida Growers Thread

    guys go to this thread and look at my plants.... tell me wtf is going on??
  19. jeromy1981

    Dark green and curling gimme the news doc!!

    common guys gimme something here!!!! No one geesh.... if not for me do it for the green!! Plant down!! Maday Maday plnt in trouble!!