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  1. C

    Do my plants look near ready guys.

    Thanks again for all the replies. On the first plant the buds at the top of the canopy seem to be much more dense then the lower half. Where as the second plant the canopy is more even but the buds feel airy… will these become more dense after drying/curing?
  2. C

    Do my plants look near ready guys.

    That’s how the trichomes are looking. MagnifyGlass glass has arrived today
  3. C

    Do my plants look near ready guys.

    Thanks everyone for the reply’s. I will continue feeding for another week at least then start lowering the dose of nutrients. The leaves are turning yellow pretty quick now.. should I just remove them once there dead
  4. C

    Do my plants look near ready guys.

    thanks guys. That’s the best thing I’ve heard THT now im tempted to go and chop a bud off lol. I will wait another week at least. I was expecting about another 2 weeks going of what it said on the site I got the seeds from, but I already stopped giving it nutrients, yesterday was first time with...
  5. C

    Do my plants look near ready guys.

    It’s week 8 of flower
  6. C

    Plants not looking too good

    11 days later. Bottom leaves are dying on both plants
  7. C

    Plants not looking too good

    Thanks for the advice. I did look into it first with them being autos I read it would be better to start in the final pot to save having to transfer them. There is so many different ways of doing things I’m still unsure lol. But going to see how they go anyway
  8. C

    Plants not looking too good

    Cool thanks a lot buddy
  9. C

    Plants not looking too good

    Also will this browning on the bottom leaves affect them?
  10. C

    Plants not looking too good

    Thanks dude. Hopefully tomorrow my ph minus will be here, this is my first ever grow, do they look about right for 2 weeks old
  11. C

    Plants not looking too good

    Started browning on tips of the older leaves
  12. C

    Plants not looking too good

    Using coco coir, calmag plus and canna coco part a and b. They are only 2 weeks old. I planned to feed ph at 6.0 but my ph- didn’t come with my order and ph level is at 7.0 from Tap
  13. C

    Plants not looking too good

    Hello growers, is ph 7.0 too much for my autos
  14. C

    What to start my seeds in?

    Thanks. Seeds are germinating . I willl be growing in coco coir. What nutrients will be needed for my plant
  15. C

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    What is best to start my seeds in please? Coco? And how much per plant needed
  16. C

    What to start my seeds in?

    Hello guys what should I start my seeds in? And how much of it should be used per plant