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  1. 1

    Question About Photoperiod Plants and Maintaining the Dark Cycle

    weather says 13:20 daylight ...I usually assume I get full sun for 6-8 hrs, and blow off shade and anything between 7:00 am - 9:00 am (low light) and then after 4:00 pm (low light ) as not really full sun (but actual light).. So in one sense, that is my question?.... for a full (in the ground...
  2. 1

    Question About Photoperiod Plants and Maintaining the Dark Cycle

    1st real grow in a long time and 1st post on RIU so be gentle... Growing ILGM feminized GSCEx in soil in pots ("mother plant" and it's main stem clone) - outdoors for daytime (6-8 hrs full sun) , inside every night (for security and humidity/mildew concerns) I thought I would have to...