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  1. J

    Rust spots

    I looked the plants over with my loupe I couldn’t see anything so I put out some stickys this is what I found I got the best picture I possibly could. Looks like specks on the stickys.
  2. J

    Rust spots

    Any recommendations on what would be the safest at this stage of flower? Would it be better to scrap them and start again? Was thinking of using safer insect soap or crop defender. Probably crop defender better for this situation
  3. J

    Rust spots

    Thanks to all of you I appreciate you!! I hadn’t encountered bugs inside yet only been growing a few years so I didn't even consider it. But I have been sloppy this year messing with vegetable garden then coming inside and working on the tent. Or maybe something else anyways my plan is to spray...
  4. J

    Rust spots

    Im on maxibloom right now and introduced calmag so im thinking thats the extra N. I wouldnt be us g calmag at this point but was hoping it was a cal or mag issue
  5. J

    Rust spots

    @thumper60 Noticed the reveg several weks ago super skunk just stalled. Split leaves, 3 finger, and 1 finger. Its growing agan so maybe passed that. Might have left the light on when it should have been off but not sure if that was this year or last year. Also running my lights on at night and...
  6. J

    Rust spots

    Hoping someone can take a look and help me out here. Problems with bruce banger and super skunk. Wk8 flower. I have rust spots and dimples on the leaves. Indoors Using maxigrow & bloom ph 5.8-6.0 ≈1000ppm Temps are around 78 degrees rh about 30-40 Wasn’t using any cal/mag. Flushed with flora...
  7. J

    Help Identifying

    Thank you. The pictures I pulled up online had them looking very colorful or bright green. Gonna try spinosad. Thanks again.
  8. J

    Help Identifying

    Can someone please help me identify this bug? My plants just flipped to flower. I was using neem oil once a month. Any suggestions on what I can use at this stage?