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  1. |lluzion

    What am I doing Wrong???PICS included

    We had this laying about, I'm guessing it isn't what I'm after though going on the numbers
  2. |lluzion

    What am I doing Wrong???PICS included

    Good info Bless America.. I was just wondering what you mean by 5-1-1 for the Fish Emulsion (sorry for the noob question)
  3. |lluzion

    Need help

    Im having the same problem mate, Im growing in CoCo and have been following a few threads as you are Im guessing and Im not having any luck. I think I'll get my own photos a bit later on and start a thread In hope someone will be able to help us.. I'll post later tonight when Im confident I've...
  4. |lluzion

    My Stealth Closet Grow!! Must See!!!! #2

    Noooooooo End of the thread (so far) :( Top job mate, thats an excellent setup