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  1. B EAZIE

    Drooping, crispy leaves & purple stem

    I gotchu thanks for the positive thinking hehe
  2. B EAZIE

    Why is my plant preflowering at 3 1/2 weeks?!

    Hey bro, sorry i cant help, just thought it may make u feel better that ur not the only one with this problem i just cut clones off of my nyc diesels, put em in my dome, kept em moist, and for some strange reason, before i even saw any rooting development, they started growing pistols ive...
  3. B EAZIE

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    Ok so anyone know how long its supposed to take for a plant to start recovering from being topped? I know ur not supposed to do it right before flowering, but i didnt find that out till too late its been about 2 weeks and there are no signs of re growth
  4. B EAZIE

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    Ok so anyone know how long its supposed to take for a plant to start recovering from being topped? I know ur not supposed to do it right before flowering, but i didnt find that out till too late its been about 2 weeks and there are no signs of re growth
  5. B EAZIE

    Drooping, crispy leaves & purple stem

    Ok so anyone know how long its supposed to take for a plant to start recovering from being topped? I know ur not supposed to do it right before flowering, but i didnt find that out till too late its been about 2 weeks and there are no signs of re growth
  6. B EAZIE

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    thanks, i googled for a while and came across that answer too never thought there was so damn much to know about growing good ganja!!
  7. B EAZIE

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    much appreciated ill try it out tonight, or whenever i collect some butts (i stick to the wacky tobaccy, hehe)
  8. B EAZIE

    Drooping, crispy leaves & purple stem

    I think i figured it out anybody heard of using soap suds to get rid of spidermites? Think im gonna try that tonight
  9. B EAZIE

    Drooping, crispy leaves & purple stem

    Also i noticed i have a few spider mites that i thought i had gotten rid of. Anyone know a cheap and easy way to get rid of em? I was told to just kinda rub lightly on the leaves where they are to squish em, and make sure u spray the underside of the leaves cuz they dont like wet areas, but...
  10. B EAZIE

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    Also i noticed i have a few spider mites that i thought i had gotten rid of. Anyone know a cheap and easy way to get rid of em? I was told to just kinda rub lightly on the leaves where they are to squish em, and make sure u spray the underside of the leaves cuz they dont like wet areas, but...
  11. B EAZIE

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    Also i noticed i have a few spider mites that i thought i had gotten rid of. Anyone know a cheap and easy way to get rid of em? I was told to just kinda rub lightly on the leaves where they are to squish em, and make sure u spray the underside of the leaves cuz they dont like wet areas, but...
  12. B EAZIE

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    no journal yet, ive had alot of trials and tribulations over the past 4 or 5 months, and i think ive just figured out how to get this show on the road. But now that im pretty sure everythings gonna go how its supposed to, ill def start one and post pics of progress
  13. B EAZIE

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    hell ya, thanks alot i went to the local hydro store and picked up some "brownies" ( dont know what theyre actually called hehe ) so i took some cuttings from my nyc diesel, dipped em in my rooting hormone, stuck em in the brownies, stuck them inside a shotglass (fits perfectly), and put...
  14. B EAZIE

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    THANKS MAN, BUT AFTER ALL THIS TIME OF WORRY.... Haha!!!! So after work i went to a local hydroponics store and asked if i could use my hydro nutes on my soil grow and explained that i was phasing out soil and thats y i didnt have any soil nutes and he said it would b alright. So i went home...
  15. B EAZIE

    Drooping, crispy leaves & purple stem

    Haha!!!! So after work i went to a local hydroponics store and asked if i could use my hydro nutes on my soil grow and explained that i was phasing out soil and thats y i didnt have any soil nutes and he said it would b alright. So i went home, made my mixture, poured it in, left for 5 hours...
  16. B EAZIE

    Drooping, crispy leaves & purple stem

    Ok i figured out how to reformat my pics so that theyre small enough, but now theyre too small, but if anyone can identify what they think the problem is, let me know please!!!!
  17. B EAZIE

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    New to bubbleponics-just got a 5 gallon bucket and a 8" net pot that serves as a lid also, i know ur supposed to use smaller pots for cuttings, but is there anyway i can use this setup? Cuz i got a nyc diesel in soil that for some reason is starting to look droopy and i dont want to lose the strain
  18. B EAZIE

    Drooping, crispy leaves & purple stem

    Also on another subject, i have everything i need for a bubbleponics setup but i bought a 5 gal bucket and a pretty big net pot (8"), i know ur supposed to start out with a smaller one, but is there any way i can use what i have?
  19. B EAZIE

    Need some Help with hydroponics

    While im here, anyone know exactly how i should put my cutting in a net pot that is 8" wide and like6" deep? Ive got a 5 gal bucket and bought this net pot that serves as a lid also. I know im supposed to start with a smaller net pot, but is there any way i can use what i have?
  20. B EAZIE

    Drooping, crispy leaves & purple stem

    Thanks needhelp, that was the only thing i could think of, guess ill try that