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  1. Donnieray

    Rabbit manure vs ewc

    Rabbit pellets are generally a mix of alfalfa and Timothy hay. But you would have to read the bag label because each brand can vary . What I feed is a pellet mix of Timothy and alfalfa and add alfalfa cubes . They eat plenty and stay healthy . Of course they get other grasses and such as well .
  2. Donnieray

    Rabbit manure vs ewc

    You can find the manure tests all over the internet. What you will not find is that manure contents is sex specific or pedigree specific . I have used many manures my entire life , so thats hands on experience , I also have show experience . Pet or show experience means nothing its animal...
  3. Donnieray

    Rabbit manure vs ewc

    Rabbit manure is packed with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, minerals and micronutrients. It contains beneficial trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, manganese, sulfur, copper and cobalt..... it isn't sex specific .
  4. Donnieray

    Rabbit manure vs ewc

    What does it matter if a dog is pure bred or not . Only an idiot would feed their dog alpo lol
  5. Donnieray

    Rabbit manure vs ewc

    Actually alot. I grew up in 4h and ffa and raise many types of fowl show and production along with the rabbits which are for manure and meat so they would constitute show as well and horses. Again never a issue . Male rabbit manure is the same as female manure no difference because you feed and...
  6. Donnieray

    Rabbit manure vs ewc

    I have several so mine are outdoors , way too many to have inside .
  7. Donnieray

    Rabbit manure vs ewc

    If its an outdoor set up. Have your cage up like high enough it's easy to get in and out of the cage for you and let the dropping fall and build up they will break down and attract worms then you can scoop them up for later use
  8. Donnieray

    Rabbit manure vs ewc

    It's definitely possible. Most of the time I'm. Putting manure in the plastic water troff I use to mix soil in so it sets and cooks most of the time, occasionally ill use a little fresh but not on anything in a container .
  9. Donnieray

    Rabbit manure vs ewc

    The manure shouldn't touch the plant . Even tho you can use it fresh its still high in nitrogen . Rabbit manure is safe to use because it slowly breaks down in the soil. I posted. Link above that would be a good read for you
  10. Donnieray

    Rabbit manure vs ewc

    Are you sure you're not confusing salt with ammonia from the urine possibly ?
  11. Donnieray

    Rabbit manure vs ewc

    Not trying to be combative but I have both bucks and does and I use the manure from both and haven't seen any issues nor have I found anything online to support the salt claim. Much less the difference between male and female manure. Where are you getting your info from ? I'd like to give it a...
  12. Donnieray

    Rabbit manure vs ewc

    I haven't came across any salt issues from rabbit manure , and I haven't found anything online about it either . Now cows and horses on concentrated feed do have salts in their manure .
  13. Donnieray

    Rabbit manure vs ewc
  14. Donnieray

    Indoor veggie grow

    I would start tomatoes first since the heirloom varieties I like tend to get huge and take awhile to make fruit . Peppers are easily managed on size , the squash and zucchini make fruit pretty quick and do get large so I'd guess doing those last would be easiest
  15. Donnieray

    Tulips, when to plant ?

    Nice haul. I haven't ever ordered from American meadows ill have to check them out .
  16. Donnieray

    Tulips, when to plant ?

    Thank you. I didn't want to ruin them. I ordered 10 bulbs of the cool pink lemonade tulip and 20 bulbs of the peach Melba tulip duet
  17. Donnieray

    Indoor veggie grow

    I think I might could do 2 plants of each with the space I have to work with along with the other plants
  18. Donnieray

    Tulips, when to plant ?

    We are definitely having those Temps at night now . So are you saying I plant now or wait til early spring when night time Temps are in the 50s??
  19. Donnieray

    Indoor veggie grow

    I want the tomatoes Squash Zucchini Peppers Herbs and cucumbers . But I'm not sure on the amount of light needed I do believe it's less than cannabis if I remember correctly from one article I've read . I'll have to look into it more to refresh my brain and take notes .
  20. Donnieray

    Indoor veggie grow

    I've wanted to try a indoor garden but I haven't really researched the difference in light that a veggie garden plants need compared to cannabis. Any insight on this ?