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  1. P

    First Large Grow

    I like schwazzing I have been doing since my first grow. I'll repost pics after tomorrow. It's scary to see it done, but once you get the nuisance right it helps with chunking and stacking, calyx to leaf ratio, and total yield. Below is one of the best guides I've found...
  2. P

    First Large Grow

    Extreme Defoiliation removal of all fan leaves
  3. P

    First Large Grow

    Defoiliation at Day 1 and 20 of flower.
  4. P

    First Large Grow

    Cannabis just became legal in my state. Got offered a larger grow. I'm running 400sqft, 20 HLG 600r, CO2 1200 ppm veg 1500 ppm flower, RH 60% Veg/55-45% Flower, PPFD 1000 flower. Media my own amended organic super soil, Nutes Athena regular cycle. SOG 360 in 3gal. Tomorrow is day 20 going to...
  5. P

    Grow #2 ScrOG-Day 21of flower

    How do you have it so it is automated?
  6. P

    Grow #2 ScrOG-Day 21of flower

    Post thought back to the LEDs... So I now have the Mars Hydro TSW 2000 and the Vivosun VS 2000. The Vivosun is much briter than the Vivosun. Originally at the beginning of flower the light was 24in above canopy. I'm running at 100% on both lights. Now today most of the canopy is 6-10in away from...
  7. P

    Grow #2 ScrOG-Day 21of flower

    Checked it out looks great. Question how are you doing auto irrigation and auto feeding? Is it two separate systems or all in one and your doing fertigation? What is the frequency of watering and feeding?
  8. P

    Grow #2 ScrOG-Day 21of flower

    My first finished grow. Top tropical afghan Bottom Cannalope Kush
  9. P

    Grow #2 ScrOG-Day 21of flower

    Yeah on my first time doing it I got bad info and did the defoiliation to late I was told to do it at the end of week 4... it messed up my yeild in the long run. But I'm a fast learner and my motto is your not going to get better if you don't practice. My first grow I got between 6-8oz per...
  10. P

    Grow #2 ScrOG-Day 21of flower

    Hi all, I've posted a couple more threads on this grow, but this is my second grow. 100% organic super soil- amended. Then top dressed throughout the grow. I Schwazzed them yesterday (day 2 feedback if I did it right. I messed up my first grow doing it
  11. P

    ScrOG Grow #2

    So yesterday was day 20 of flower. I cleaned them up. I Schwazzed for the most part. I would say I removed 80 to 90% of the fans. Does this look right? Pictures are a little blurry upstairs broke my camera.
  12. P

    ScrOG Grow #2

    Yeah this is day 15 of flower so stretch pretty much is done.
  13. P

    ScrOG Grow #2

    Hi all, This is my second grow. I posted another thread about a week ago, and I was told to leave things alone and allow vertical growth. So that's what I did. I cleaned up under the screen. I feel like I should be doing some defoilating. What should I do from here?
  14. P

    Day 6 Flower Grow 2 ScrOG

    So I'm at day 6 of flower. This is my second grow. 100% organic amended soil. I was told to stop tying and stretching branches horizontal and allow for vertical growth. Should I do any pruning on top or bottom side?
  15. P

    Need Advice Grow #2 ScrOG

    Bottom side screen.
  16. P

    Need Advice Grow #2 ScrOG

    So here is day 6 of flower. Should I do some pruning on top side? Or just keep letting the vertical growth go?
  17. P

    Need Advice Grow #2 ScrOG

    Is seaweed meal the same as kelp meal?
  18. P

    Need Advice Grow #2 ScrOG

    Last grow got some awesome bud super fragrant covered in tricks. Now working on yeild. Pic one Tropical Afghan. Pic two Cannalope Kush.
  19. P

    Need Advice Grow #2 ScrOG

    So I haven't top dressed yet. Soil mix is amended with rock phosphate, blood meal, bone meal, bat guano, kelp meal, fish meal, azomite, epsom salt, EWC, and fresh compost browns, greens, composted horse manure, chicken manure (pasteurized). Recipe base is from subcools super soil. Changed ratios...