Search results

  1. L

    You Know You're a Stoner if....

    When "awake" and "stoned" are the same word... or when you stop doing something to fully enjoy a song
  2. L

    Any New Hampshire growers out there? or close by?

    I grow in Southern NH and Winnipesaukee Area but this year I lost my plants up north to animals. It's good to know there's fellow New Hampshire growers on here, I was beginning to think New England was fading from the outdoors growing scene.
  3. L

    R there any MC's on this site

    I'm no MC or anything but I like laying down some rhymes to a good beat. Sits like the centerfold in his shed so cold, always grabbing at his pot of moldy gold, never gets spent, never got sold, still whole, like a man in a hole, moneys all he wants, the thirst of his soul, thinks he's...
  4. L

    Any psytrance/goa lovers out there?

    I don't know if this qualifies for what your looking for, but lately I've been listening to BASSNECTAR. Pretty good beats.
  5. L

    Great Stoner Quotes

    I think it's one of those "had to be there" times but I was baked standing waiting for my cousin in the other room and he wanted me to come or something and I said all calmly "I can't dude, I'm in a sleeping bag."