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  1. Darklordcreeper

    FloraNova PH question

    Very good. Thanks. That's what I was leaning towards.
  2. Darklordcreeper

    FloraNova PH question

    Hello all. I've been watering in veg with plain Crystal Geyser going in at 6.9 and runoff at 6.3. However I have started 12/12 this week and begun FloraNova bloom. Same water now goes in as 6.2 and then 5.8 runoff, because FNB lowers the PH. I then tried tap water at 7.5 pH which came out as...
  3. Darklordcreeper

    bottom leaves drooping.

    Lol I know this threat is 10 years old but my plants are doing the same thing. Ever figure out what it was? How did they turn out?
  4. Darklordcreeper

    Less than stellar bottom foliage.

    Thank you! I haven't begun any nutrients yet because the fox farm is supposed to feed for a month. I have Flora Nova bloom ready to go in about a week when I start flowering them. I'm watering about once every 5 days. Thinking I might pick up another of the same light so I can double up and...
  5. Darklordcreeper

    Less than stellar bottom foliage.

    Hello all I'm growing trainwreck in FFOF with a Mars ts600 20 inches above canopy, watering every 4-5 days currently, not adding any nutes yet. I took the cuttings 6/20, plants were potted in cups 6/27, then 3 gallon smart pots 7/7. Using crystal geyser, as pH is 6.9 and ppm around 100. My...