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  1. 420anonymous

    Gnats? What the hell are these? Pics

    what did you end up doing?
  2. 420anonymous

    What's the Stupidest Thing You've Done While Stoned?

    On a cruise ship I got up to get 2nds at the buffet and got lost trying to find where we were sitting. Seriously, it took me about 10 minutes to find my chair again. This is after being lost for HOURS in Amsterdam. I had never smoked pot before and it was my first time there. I also did...
  3. 420anonymous

    Yellow Leaves

    The miracle grow potting soil has time release fertilizers? Can you upload a pic or two?
  4. 420anonymous

    Percentage Of Pot Smokers In The USA

    I take weeks or months off smoking, because it does affect my thought process. Things that are important to me when sober, aren't important when I'm smoking. I gain weight when I'm smoking too, no matter how hard I try not to eat. Still, I love this damn plant. Just can't have it 24/7 forever...
  5. 420anonymous

    Sherrif's Deputy shown kicking a young 15 year old girl

    That same cop justifiably killed an unarmed mentally ill persona already and got busted for DUI (prescription drugs) and now this. WTF is he still doing with a badge? More info about that is on's article.
  6. 420anonymous

    orange peel in the feeding water?

    The whole thing about your friend knowing you grow is bad. That's how people get busted. Yeah it's your BFF and they never would, 'til they're promised the world by the cops to give someone up.
  7. 420anonymous

    Life sucks....

    Wow that does suck, but life goes on. You'll figure something out. Get on food stamps, section 8 housing, etc. Grow some MJ and sell it for $$. Watch the Barry Cooper videos for advice with that.
  8. 420anonymous

    Seed Germination Problem

    I had bad luck with the pellets. Best for me is seeds in moist paper towel on a plate, with another plate on top (insides of both plates are facing each other w/ towel in between). I put it on top of my fridge and check it daily making sure it's still wet and removing/planting any germinated...
  9. 420anonymous

    Ass Hole Sheriff arresting people at party with Michael Phelps

    If he hadn't put the bong on ebay trying to make a buck like a douche and had everyone NOT spoken to the popo, what kinda case would that have been!?!
  10. 420anonymous

    Let Me Hear From A Responsible Smoker

    Responsible smoker here. I've never been unemployed and while I'm just a glorified male secretary, I don't know what I want to do with my life (early 30s) as far as a job. I mean I hate work. My job isn't bad... it's stable, I get good benefits, and the pay is enough for me to live comfortable...
  11. 420anonymous

    best way to switch light cycles

    I'm voting for #1. That's what I did with my first grow, but it turned out male and I didn't find out until I got back from vacation and pollen was everywhere.
  12. 420anonymous

    Marijuana Legalization Tops List of Questions for Obama in Online Poll

    I love how people think he's for "change" yet he is filling up his administration with well known crooks & liars. It's the same folks, the game is rigged. We have two parties, but they're controlled by the same people behind the scenes. I think our best hope is Barry Cooper and what he's doing...
  13. 420anonymous

    1st grow, cheap, bagseed, almost comical.

    Is that sand?
  14. 420anonymous

    Thinking About Getting A Vaporizer.

    I can highly recommend the volcano vaporizer and the vapor genie. I enjoy the volcano in the house and when traveling locally and hit the vapor genie when on vacation, in the car, etc. If you can't afford a volcano, then I'd just recommend the vapor genie. Lifetime warranty and only $60...
  15. 420anonymous

    Need Help w/ Fan Hookup (Electrical)

    Thanks specialkayme!!
  16. 420anonymous

    Need Help w/ Fan Hookup (Electrical)

    Do I unscrew the screws on top and put my extension cord wires in there? Or do they go in the side? Do I cut the wires shown in the photos?
  17. 420anonymous

    Emergency!!! Please help!!!

    I'm not an expert, but I'd give it 12 hrs darkness and continue on the 12/12 cycle.
  18. 420anonymous

    slow growth yellow leaves

    Potassium deficiency if the leaves are curling at the ends and the yellow is progressing up the leaves.
  19. 420anonymous

    Post office left note to come pick up package ( seeds from attitude )

    watch out for brightly colored packages ... if it is, and you sign for it ... it will be visiable to the po po in the parking lot that will be waiting to bust your @$$. I'd pick it up only if the delivery address was clean and not used for growing. go clean and have nothing on you, drive a...