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  1. S

    I think this is a potassium deficiency?

    Hi everyone!, Looking for some guidance is determining what this Green Crack is deficient in. It is being grown outdoors in 35g cloth pots in mix of triple mix, potting mix, mushroom compost and sheep compost and is being fed Reefertilizer, superthrive and raw honey every other day, and some...
  2. S

    Should I Transplant?

    Thanks. This is my first outdoor grow (usually I always grow indoors) and was not expecting this level of growth this quickly.
  3. S

    Should I Transplant?

    Hey everyone, Running into a bit of a situation and needing some advice! I have 4 plants in a 4x4 raised bed (no bottom). Top Left: Super Lemon Haze, Top Right Green Crack, Bottom left Gorilla Girl, Bottom Right Zkittlez Glue. As you can see they have completely taken over and are in fact...