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  1. D

    yellow mold in aerogarden already after 1 week?

    alright i covered all of them up to the it possible for it to reverse the mold over the course of the next couple days?
  2. D

    yellow mold in aerogarden already after 1 week?

    okay how could i fix this quickly and will it go away once its covered properly?
  3. D

    yellow mold in aerogarden already after 1 week?

    hey guys jsut set up my aerogarden like a week ago and its arleady got this yellow mold on the side of the sponges and starting to get into the pumps...what is it? Take a look at the pic and lemme know, the res temp is around 75. ty
  4. D

    problems starting seeds in aerogarden

    im using distilled water, do you think its becuase i just threw the seed on the top of the soil? thanks
  5. D

    problems starting seeds in aerogarden

    hey guys i just got my aerogarden pro 200 and i took the original italian seeds they came with and took out the seeds and just threw in some herb seeds. For some reason my seeds are sprouting but they are quickly dying, it seems like the taproot cant find a place to dig in. take a look at the...