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  1. U

    FIM 4 day follow up

    How you getting on with this, have you managed to sort it, if N not hitting the spot it maybe worth trying black strap molasses, as it also looks as though it could be calcium, magnesium def, molasses is also packed with micro nutrients that can fix a few problems. I usually turn to molasses...
  2. U

    FIM 4 day follow up

    I have two girls, I topped 1 & fim the other. The topped plant has responded far better, 5th day. The lower branches have thickened up, twice as much growth on the two tops and side shoots. I'm thinking I'm going to top the fim'd one as I'm not to impressed at the moment. You done this I...
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    FIM 4 day follow up

    She's a beaut, very nice. You done good.
  4. U

    Does this means my FIM failed and i got a topping instead

    Thank you very much I've spent hrs trying to find info on this, so I joined this site & why didn't I just come here in the first place. Thanks to everybody that has helped so far & sorry if I've hijacked the original post. Newbe to forums, this be my first. What a find. Peace n love.
  5. U

    FIM 4 day follow up

    That's what it says, they reckon a trimmed leaf is less stressful than completely removing the growing tip, so I've topped one & hopefully??? Fim'd the other, I was going to do a comparison, but can't find much info on Fim i.e what next, step by step guide, what to look for so a bit in the dark.
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    FIM 4 day follow up

    Thanks that's very handy info. Am I missing hitting the right pages on fim or is there hardly anything on this. I've tried many different cropping & LST techniques, over some time, with some amazing tutorials, almost fail safe all being well. But this one I'm bothered by the cloak of darkness...
  7. U

    Does this means my FIM failed and i got a topping instead

    Just curious why you say 4, are you counting the two below the topped. Does that now become a main cola also. Not questioning you at all, just asking, if you don't ask you never find out is all.
  8. U

    FIM 4 day follow up

    Hey Cannaman nice work my friend. I just done the same thing & thought the same thing as you. I got suckered in by the whole fim has less stress than topping, better yields than left alone plants etc. All of a sudden you are in a world of, So what now, what exactly am I looking for. Have I...