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  1. D

    pvc glue

    you'll be fine just let it dry for a day or two. also if its 1" D or less pipe you only need the glue not the purple stuff.
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    ph,questins FOR THE MASTERS

    you should try a good flush. also if your res is small you should consider a larger one. take baby steps - in any system the ph usually moves one way (mostly up) so you should only have to adjust downward. if you are adjusting both ways you might be working against yourself. i hope this helps...
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    scrog questions + rep

    also if this helps you could you throw some rep my way mine sucks thanks
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    scrog questions + rep

    you dont want to just put the top branches through or else you defeat the purpose of a scrog. i would start the screen four inches below the top of the plant and start the weave pattern with the top 4" the rest of the plant will catch up in the stretch. good luck
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    CO2 Generator With Sentinel CHHC-1 and 4x4 Tent

    I am excited to see how long a tank of propane lasts compared to CO2
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    first room, heat from dual 400w hps

    i think you will be fine without a filter but the next time you have money to invest on grow goodies i would consider one. to reduce the paranoia of odor $150 bucks is nothing. also odor is more of a problem with some people than others because of different circumstances like distance from...
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    Question about sealed rooms???

    i would look into a sentinel chhc-1 i know they are expensive but believe me they are absolutley worth it.
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    CO2 Generator With Sentinel CHHC-1 and 4x4 Tent

    propane burns consuming O2 and produces CO2 therefore you need a supply of oxygen or your propane cannot burn. my first idea would be to enclose the burner in a metal cabinet (don't use wood it will burn) with holes in the top equipped with downward facing fans to force O2 into the chamber then...
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    first room, heat from dual 400w hps

    i think two 400s will be a good amount of light for your area but i think 20 plants will generate too much smell unless you use a good carbon filter. they have them on e-bay in packages with fans. you get ventalation + heat and smell control two birds with one stone.
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    Water cooled HID setup +rep

    i would recommend vented because you will need a fan anyway to bring fresh air in and replenish CO2 unless you add CO2 yourself
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    Clone and veg room?

    how many of each?
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    big grow room

    also the three bulbs for three 4x4 sections would work nicely for a 3 week perpetual harvest which i assume you are shooting for with the two veg rooms and one big flower room. each light could be raised or lowered so that the latest cycle of plants would still be as close to the lights as the...
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    big grow room

    you will need room to walk in 2 X 12 which leaves you with 4 X 12 grow area . 600W bulbs are good for a 4 X 4 area so three 600W lights hung in a line to make ductwork easier is your best option. still if you have the money and are not worried about heat and electricity consumption more light...
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    can i run 4x 600watters on this power socket?

    240V X 15AMP = 3600W? 3600W X .8 = 2880 = more than enough to run 4 X 600. I think you still should check with one of the electrical gurus on here just to be safe.
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    can i run 4x 600watters on this power socket?

    im not a professional but i think the most wattage you can run on a 15amp circuit on 110V safely is 2000 but with 220 or 240 you can run more which would probably cover the 4 X 600. i would also recomend that you use two dual ballasts as opposed two four single, just my opinion. good luck i...
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    Starting to wonder why i even use a tent.

    unless you are running CO2 or you live in an apartment you don't need a tent. but if you are only growing a small number of plants the smaller area in a tent would be easier to regulate.
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    take a look!! *PICS* 25 day flowering!!!

    what kind of soil are you using?
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    + rep for help

    orange peels work great but they can leave a citrus taste to your bud. some think this is good others don't just be aware that you will most likly change the flavor and you can not change it back. with that in mind you can dip a q-tip in vannila abstact and tape it to the inside of the lid...
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    A noob with a couple questions...

    put the cloning gel on the tip of the clone not the site you took it from. clone as early as you can cut six inch clones that way if your clones die (and they might since this is your first time) you can take more before you start flowering.
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    alright tiz the season for xmas lights

    i love your lights and have some of my own but i don't think posting pics of your house on the internet is a good idea