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  1. Elevengrams

    caddy's Journal #1 - Papaya & Haze 19 x Skunk #1

    Its a jungle in there, looking like some hella good shit.
  2. Elevengrams

    caddy's Journal #1 - Papaya & Haze 19 x Skunk #1

    Awesome thanks for posting
  3. Elevengrams

    caddy's Journal #1 - Papaya & Haze 19 x Skunk #1

    Looking stellar, do you have a pic of the method you used to hang your light I have an indentical setup and wanted to know how you hung your reflector. Thanks man and keep it :leaf:
  4. Elevengrams

    caddy's Journal #1 - Papaya & Haze 19 x Skunk #1

    Can you post this pic, I would like to know how you did this man. And how is the grow coming?
  5. Elevengrams

    caddy's Journal #1 - Papaya & Haze 19 x Skunk #1

    How well does that tent hold light in ?
  6. Elevengrams

    caddy's Journal #1 - Papaya & Haze 19 x Skunk #1

    Looking real good man, starting up a similar setup soon as everything arrives. One question what kind of nuts did you use?
  7. Elevengrams

    AG Pro200 Sour OG & UK Cheese

    There is tons of ph testers on the web, or hydro store, garden center. Most people will tell you not to get a cheap one the price reflects quality in most cases. A popular one is hannah, blue labs.