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  1. C

    by the book

    Ill work on getting some pics on here so you can see exactly what i mean. and yeah i do control the ph of the water. usually around 6.5
  2. C

    by the book

    im using 6 42 watt CFL lights, in 10" pots. Using miracle grow food. not sure the exact type though, just left overs from someone else. they look healthy at the top but the bottom leaves not so much
  3. C

    by the book

    this is my first grow and i've been going by this book called Marijuana Buds for less - grow 8 oz. of bud for less than $100. it was goin by the book until about 2 weeks in. the growth on this guys plants from day 9-15 is ridiculous. went from just gettin leaves to expanding the diameter of the...
  4. C

    Tips of some leaves going brown/dying at 7 weeks...

    I did just take them off of 24 hr light. didnt jump to 12/12 though, tried to minimize trauma by going 20/4. hoping thats what it is
  5. C

    Tips of some leaves going brown/dying at 7 weeks...

    yes i do have a cat, but its impossible for him to get to the plants. they're in a blocked off room.
  6. C

    Tips of some leaves going brown/dying at 7 weeks...

    I'm going through a similar situation. my leaves started turning yellow, with brown tips, a few weeks in. i figured they were too close to the lights or getting too hot, so i put a fan in, and lifted the lights. no progress. so i figured they weren't getting proper nutrients. i checked the ph in...