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  1. C

    Ireland - Outdoor Grow

    It's very hard to find a successful outdoor grow in Ireland. And the spray on weed is awful. Nothing worse than an exploding joint!
  2. C

    July harvest

    Over 5 ounces off a short auto flowering plant especially in Ireland is outrageous. Your pics seem a bit dodgy as well. Even with our best ever summer these yields would be almost impossible to achieve. So this is without doubt the best strain ever created or this is OGMan advertising for Dr...
  3. C

    weak stem

    How would you stick the bits of straw into the soil beside the little plant without breaking any roots?
  4. C

    How to induce flowering in a greenhouse/poly tunnel grow

    I was thinking of growing in a poly tunnel fairly soon. I have a farm and I could set it up in a secluded corner of a field. Since it it's a first time grow I'd like to try to gain some experience with two strains: Short Ryder and Swiss Cheese. Both seem to be easy on beginners and are suitable...