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  1. F

    MedicGrow Fold 8 760w Samsung Diodes 8 bar fixture? $589 US shipped free, BETTER DEAL THAN MEIJIU BAR LIGHTS!?

    On my 2nd grow with the fold8. First grow yielded just under a gram per watt; but in my (and the lights) defense, 14 of my 20 plants were males, so I had gaps in my canopy.
  2. F

    MedicGrow Fold 8 760w Samsung Diodes 8 bar fixture? $589 US shipped free, BETTER DEAL THAN MEIJIU BAR LIGHTS!?

    I have the Fold8 and couldn't figure out how to use the supplied hangers, so I grabbed 6 ratchet straps as well.
  3. F

    4x4 Tent/LED Grow - thoughts?

    oh good call, I updated my list, thank you!
  4. F

    4x4 Tent/LED Grow - thoughts?

    Long time lurker, first time poster! I've been researching a 4x4 LED tent grow for several months and have decided on the parts listed below. (Not sure if excel copy/paste will display properly!) I'm going at this alone, so I don't really have anyone to bounce my list or ideas off of, so I'm...