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  1. crossthread

    Metal Halide VS High Pressure Sodium FLOWERING

    OMG, I cannot believe what I'm reading here.. Look, MH's are great for VEGitive growth because of the Blue~White Spectrum, which Promotes Growth... HPS which is on the more yellow/red/Orange ends of the Light Spectrum are more condusive for Flowering.... There is 'NO" unconfirmed BS, whether MH...
  2. crossthread

    A real how to to auto strains!!!

    And Heres a MasterLow @ 20 Days Old... I know Quite a bit about auto-flowering strains... I mean ALOT..... :twisted:
  3. crossthread

    A real how to to auto strains!!!

    Heres a DieselRyder for your viewing pleasure..
  4. crossthread

    I hope ya'll welcome

    indoor/outdoor grower... Current ongoing "stuff"... :P