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  1. H

    Seedling leaf tip discoloration

    Hi Everyone! Can you please tell me what is this discoloration on my seedling? The seedling is 34 days old counted from planting.There were two more nodes under these current nodes,but they got crackling dry and then dropped off. Also the tip of the bigger leaves on one side is turning...
  2. H

    Drying seedling leaves

    Hello everyone! My seedling's leaves are drying and I don't know why. It is a bag seed,unknown strain.Previously last year I grew a bag seed which happened to be a female.But I remember that when that plant was at this age,that didn't have anykind of leaf drying problems. It is at day 25 from...
  3. H

    Are these bud rot dry nugs?

    Hi everyone! Yesterday i was smoking a spliff from my 9 months old weed(harvested in 2020 Aug.). I wanted to roll another spliff when I noticed that the inside of my old buds are a bit brown. Its the day after i smoked the spliff(I had put around 0.1 gram of my weed in the tobacco.) and since...