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  1. BarknPunkin

    how can i eliminate the grow smell

    "Cannabis is illegal at my place" Get a differant place, grow what you want. Shrooms don't smell so bad...
  2. BarknPunkin

    Why is Wisconsin not one of the states to pass the Legalization Of Marijuana?

    I'm putting that on a tee shirt. Conversation starter.
  3. BarknPunkin

    Why is Wisconsin not one of the states to pass the Legalization Of Marijuana?

    Please do not insult pricks by comparing them to that filthy seditionist vermin.
  4. BarknPunkin

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    Coolest ride ever.
  5. BarknPunkin

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    I didn't have my own room ( or bed ) till I moved out.
  6. BarknPunkin

    Fascism and the Republican Party

    We know how the poisonous hate that animates fascism seeps into a society because we saw it ourselves during the 4 years of the Trump administration. We’re watching it in Red states across the country as Maga Republicans replace honorable Republicans like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. We know...
  7. BarknPunkin

    Fascism and the Republican Party

    Thom Hartman, "the Hartman Report" Will America Have a Free & Fair Vote or a Government Chosen Through Violence? No democracy in the world can work if its citizens don’t believe their votes are legitimately counted: This lie that started in 1964 is now a harpoon pointed at the heart of our...
  8. BarknPunkin

    Fascism and the Republican Party

    Came right out and admitted it, then denied it when challenged. This is where it's going in what used to be one of the most progressive states in The Union.
  9. BarknPunkin

    Fascism and the Republican Party

    Trump-backed Wisconsin GOP candidate and 2020 election denier claims Republicans will 'never lose another election' in the state if he gets voted into office Trump-backed Wisconsin GOP candidate and 2020 election denier claims Republicans will 'never lose another election' in the state if he...
  10. BarknPunkin

    Please help identify?

    Get a strong lens magnifier. Turn the leaf over. What do you see?
  11. BarknPunkin

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership

    I'm glad she's on our side. A very cogent and incisive mind. There is a video (same source) of her making the president of Wells Fargo Bank wish he was elsewhere. She reduced him to one word responses. Powerful!
  12. BarknPunkin

    Absolutely no high

    Not to worry - your post was one of the best.
  13. BarknPunkin

    Great Lakes Genetics ?

    GLG Durban autoflower, 6/6, 100% germination. :cool:
  14. BarknPunkin

    Great Lakes Genetics ?

    Put in a order on Thursday. Next Friday (8 days) I had my goods. Lots of free stuff too. Thease are good folks.
  15. BarknPunkin

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    With a lot of 'em, it's not "dont vote", it's CAN'T. Too young, felonies, shut ins, ect.
  16. BarknPunkin

    The Junk Drawer

    Don't eat that.
  17. BarknPunkin

    What Sativa would you grow?

    Check out He has Destroyer, also Destroyer crossed with something I can't recall at the moment. Hope this helps
  18. BarknPunkin

    What's with this twice a week period shit. No sex

    New town, new job Problem solved. Then, do some serious thought on what was the chain of events that led up to this shitshow.
  19. BarknPunkin

    i left my blue site to join this green site.

    Where do they all belong?
  20. BarknPunkin

    i left my blue site to join this green site.

    " ...I saw Lon Chaney, Junior walking with the Queen, doin' the Werewolves Of London..." Ahooooo!