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  1. B

    need help

    right now i have nothing don't want to waste money and have the wrong stuff
  2. B

    need help

    I'm new to growing world and I've done research on line, read free grow guides, waiting for the indoor horticulture to come in the mail, but I still have some basic questions that i would like answered. Give me a name of what kind of fertilizer to use(soil) how often do i water my...
  3. B

    need help

    I'm a patient in california and i'm giong to start growing for myself. i need as much info i can get, like what kind of fertilizer to use, how often to water, how long is the veg stage, when to start flowering, everything if youy can be real spacific i would appericiate it.
  4. B

    Help w/ stealth growbox n other things

    tell me wher to go so i can ask ? like you just did i'm new here and dont know where to go